Riddle Scavenger Hunt
Answer the riddle, then find the object.
- I am longandstraight
But I need a partner that is flat and smooth,
otherwise I can do no good.
You also need a partner;
You and Jesus together can do much good.
My name is in III John 13
- I am thefoundation that foolish men build their houses on,
Just like men who hear God’s word but reject it build their 1ives on.
When difficult times come, I will not be able to support them.
You can find my name in Matthew 7:26-27 - I am roundand sweet, I am good to eat.
I give pleasure to everyone. .
You can be 1ike me, giving pleasure to God and man.
You can find me in Ephesians 5:9
- I am verypretty, But I have a short 1ife.
Don’t be like me;
Don’t base your life on things that will not last.
My name is in James l:ll
- I haveonly one eye,
But Jesus uses me to explain how difficult it is
for a rich man to get into heaven.
My name is in Matthew 19:24
- I oftenappear where people do not want me.
I crowd out and choke things that are good.
Don’t let your worries and your desire for money
choke out the true meaning of your life.
You can find my name in Luke 8:14 - A person who looks at God’s Word
and does what it says
will be blessed in what he does.
But a person who looks in God’s Word
and does not do what i t says
Is like a person who looks at me –:
and then forgets what kind of person he is.
My name is in James 1:23-25
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- If you see me on your clothes,
you know that later they may be cooler to wear.
Some things in life do not have lasting value.
They are like clothes that can get holes.
But the things you do for God
Will never be taken away from you.
My name is in Matthew 6:19-21
- Some peoplemay consider me slow,
But I never get lost.
Because I leave a trail behind me wherever I go.
God compares me to the wicked people who seem strong now,
but will soon fade away.
My name is in Proverbs 58:8
- I am smalland do not seem important
But you can find me in king’s houses.
Sometimes you don’t feel very important,
But you are important to God!
My name is in Proverbs 30:28 - You don’t usuallysee me,
but you can see my effects.
If I am deep and long,
Then the part you can see is healthy and strong.
I am 1ike your life.
No one can see your deep dependence on Jesus.
But everyone can see the good results in your 1ife
My name is in Colossians 2:6-7
- God says my lifewill be short,
Just like people’s lives are short.
But God’s Word will last forever.
My name is in I Peter 1:24 - I am very small,
but I give a good example of how to 1ive.
With God’s strength, you can follow my example.
My name is in Proverbs 6:6-9
- I am small,but you can look at me
And find out about something big.
If something big is healthy,
then I am green.
If something big is not healthy,
then I am brown and withered.
If your life is based on Jesus,
You also will be able to show it.
My name is in Psalm 1:3
- Buildyour life on God’s Word, and your life will not fall apart. Build a house on me, and your house will not fall down. My name is in Matthew 7:24
- SometimesI’m long, sometimes I’m short.
Even though I am many, God knows how many.
If God can know this,
He can also know all about you.
God cares for you.
Look for me in Luke 12:7
- I use words, but I make no sound.
I am hard, but I am easy to open.
One of me has something about you in it.
The answer is in Revelation 21:27
- I tellyou something you need to know
Even though I can not talk.
After I tell you, what I tell is already gone.
You can never get it back.
So I hope you use my information wisely.
What I tell you is in Ephesians 5: 16.
- I am part of somethingbig.
I do not have my own strength,
because I get my strength from something bigger.
In the same way, a Christian gets his strength from Jesus.
My name is in John 15:5
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