Philippians 2:10-11. Bowing indicates submission to a master.
LORD was also the word to indicate Jahweh, the name of God.
Lord is your “ultimate allegiance.”
Romans 10:9. Those who give ultimate allegiance to Jesus are saved.
God accepts you as you are. God continually works in you, so you more and more show by your life that you a are a saved person. After you are saved, here is a simple description of how to show that Jesus is Lord: Read I John 5:3. Love is shown by ________________. Since you have both a new life and old life, your actions will sometimes show that Jesus is Lord, and sometimes not. When your actions show that you have rebelled against Jesus as Lord, you are still a Christian, but you are a disobedient Christian. The Holy Spirit will produce guilt in you until you repent. When you turn to Christ for forgiveness, your relationship has been strengthened, and your new life will continue to become stronger.
SHOWING JESUS AS LORD IN CONCRETE WAYS. 1 John 4:20. We show our attitude toward the one we can’t see by the way we treat things that we can ___.
1 Peter 2:13. Show Jesus is Lord by response to _______.
Ephesians 6:7. Show Jesus is Lord by response to ________.
Ephesians 6:1 (Children) show Jesus is their Lord by their response to their ______.
Ephesians 5:22. Wives show that Jesus is their Lord by their response to their _______.
Ephesians 5:25. Husbands show that Jesus is their Lord by the way they treat their _______.
1 Thessalonians 4:3-8. We can show that Jesus is our Lord by our control of our ________.
Romans 14:7-8. Living for the Lord means not living for _______.
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