The second point: sin

Cross out the wrong words (at the underlined choices):
1. When sharing the gospel, share 5/7 gospel points with those who are not Christians.
2. The first point is love/growth, the second point is sin. In this class, we will talk about the topic of sin (Romans 3:12).
3. If we would start by telling someone he is a sinner, we have made a mistake. He will. Not be willing to keep listening, because no one likes to keep listening to somewho who says he has done wrong. He would feel it gives him a loss of face.
4. By another aspect, if the topic we start talking about first is God’s anger/love, he will probably be willing to hear more, because he likes to listen about the true God who loves him.
5. We will use this this kind of method, and the listener will happily welcome us to tell him more.
6. When a person does not doubt God’s love, we then continue by talking to him about sin. Before he knows he needs a savior, he must understand he is a sinner.

  1. Original Sin

We divide sin into two types: original sin and sins the one commits.
original sin is what we have already when we are born.

  1. The first person God created on earth was Adam/Abraham (Genesis 2:7). God created every people-group on earth (Acts 17:26a). On picture 1 we see that all the peoples on earth are Adam’s descendants. God sees that all people on earth are Adam’s descendants. [the picture shows a group of people flowing from Adam, with the captions “Adam is the original ancestor of mankind,” and “every person is in Adam.” The pictures can be seen in the Chinese version]
  • God loved Adam, and moreover took the initiative to make a good life for him to enjoy/have troubles.  At the same time, God gave every other create thing to enjoy (First Timothy 6:17b).
  • God gave Adam a garden/house to live in (Genesis 2:8). In the garden were all kinds of eye-pleasing trees, that could be used for food, and there was a river that flowed through the garden (Genesis 2:9-10).
  • God let Adam give names to all the animals and birds. Not only that, God also made a wife for him (Genesis 2:18-22). 
  • God blessed Adam and Eve, and told them to take good care of everything, spread over all the land. God also sent the to manage the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things on earth (Genesis 1:28).
    4     ) God gave to Adam and Eve all kinds of plants, vegetables and fruits, they can have different kinds of things to eat (Genesis 1:29).
    5) Finally, God provided all things to meet the needs of Adam and Eve, everything he had created wasbad/good (Genesis 1:31).
  • God gave one/ten commands for Adam to obey, that is, he should not eat the fruit of the tree of distinguishing good from evil, and if he did eat of it, he would die (Genesis 2:16-17).
  • But, alas – Adam did eat the fruit that he was forbidden to eat. Adam disobeyed the command that God had given him, and the result was terrible.
    1) Adam did not look forward to God’s existence in the garden, but on the contrary he hid himself. He became far from God (Genesis 3:8). His sinful behavior made them separated from God (Isaiah 59:2a). 2) Picture 2 shows Adam separated from God due to sin. The meaning of “separated from God” is that his spirit is living/is dead, that is, he is unable to enjoy a close fellowship with God. [picture 2 shows sin as the obstacle between God and a human]. 3) Because Adam did not obey, all of mankind committed sin (Romans 5:19). In picture 3, we see that because of Adam, all of mankind inherited and carries on sin. All/some people have sin, that is called original sin. [picture 3 shows a crowd of people emerging from the black heart of Adam, and the caption says “because the one man Adam sinned, all of mankind has sin.”]
  • In picture 4, we see that because of sin, death entered the world. (Romans 5:12). When Adam sinned, we all sinned, as a result we will all die (Ezekiel18:20a). That is to say, separated from/together with God. [picture 4 shows a wall labeled “sin” separating God from the crowd of people emerging from Adam.]
  • Actual sin

Use these words to fill in the blanks below: thought, words deed.
Since we (humans) have a sinful nature (original sin), we do many bad things, including sexual immorality, impurity, indecent behavior, idolatry, witchcraft, hostilities, strife, outbursts of anger, factions, dissensions, heresies, jealousy, drunkenness, carousing, (Galatians 5:19-21a). This kind of sin is called actual sin.

1.There are three kinds of actual sin, which are doing wrong in thought, word, and _____.

, we do wrong in thought, word, and ______. 1) One kind is called sins in thought (Mark 7:21-23). A listing of sins in thought — like coveting, evil, cheating, recklessness, envy, pride. 2) Another kind of sin is saying untrue words. James 3:2 tells us to be careful about what we say, to prevent committing sins of ______, like lying, telling rumors, saying angry things to people, arguing, looking down on people. 3) the third kind of sinning is doing wrong things. This is called behavioral sin, or sins of action. John 3:19-20 talks about loving darkness and bad behavior, like arguing, fighting, stealing, kicking, and sexual sin.

2.Besides committing actual sins, which includes thoughts, words, and sinful deeds, there are the sins of omission. Not thinking what we should think, not saying what we should say, not doing what we should do (James 4:17). There are many things we ought to that we should motivate ourselves to think, say, or do, but we don’t do them.

1)One sin of omission is not to think proper ______. There are many types of thoughts that we ought to have. For example, prayer thoughts, thoughts about how to help other people, and thinking about God, thanking God for His wondrous creation, the reality of objects, to praise, righteousness, purity, love, values, reputation, and other things worthy of praise. (Philippians 4:8).  2) another sin of omission is not saying what we should say. There are so many ______ we should say, for example words of love, words of encouragement, words of comfort, words of praise for others, prayers, praises and thanks to God (proverbs 25:11). 3.Another sin of omission is not doing what we should do, which is ______ sin. There are so many behaviors we should do, for example, helping our neighbor take care of his house, helping other people harvesting and sowing in the fields to give to hungry people, water to drink, take care of travelers, give clothing to those who need it, visit those who are sick or in prison (Matthew 25:42-43).

There are many positive things we ought to be self-motivated to ___, ___, and ____, but have not done them, these are called sins of omission.

  • The importance of an individual personal examination.

The purpose of a time of personal examination is not for you to be burdened by the law, but to make you think more deeply about whether your thoughts words and deeds are sufficient. There are several purposes for doing this. See below:

  1. To help you see clearly what to talk about with a non-Christian on the subject of sin. 2. To remind yourself that you formerly were a sinner —- you shouldn’t let the non-Chrsitian think that only he is a sinner, but you also are. 3.To help you to see clearly in what aspects you need the Holy Spirit’s great power to change. you to examine yourself before the Lord’s Supper (1 Corinthians 11:28) — the most important thing is to remind yourself that when you receive communion, your sins receive forgiveness (Matthew 26:28).


  1. According to the directions, complete filling in the blanks and crossing out the wrong words in the lesson.
  2. Below is a follow-up to the personal examination time mentioned in class. The homework is for your personal achievement. You don’t need to mention it in class. 1)Look at the notes you took in class, including your most recent thoughts, words, or deeds. Include the following requests in what you write: a.During the past 24 hours, what did you think about? (Psalm 19:14). b.During the past week, what have you said? c.During the past two weeks, what have you done? (1 Corinthians 10:31). 2)Especially pay attention and make an “X” mark to indicate bad thoughts, words, and deeds. At he places where you put an “X” mark, certainly are the places where the Holy Spirit is working in your heart. 3)Thank God that at the places where you were prodded by the Holy Spirit, He forgave your sins. Read First John 1:7-9 and the remaining scriptures, whih confirm that through the blood of Jesus your sins have been washed away. 4)Look at the topics where you have put an “X” (these are your sins of thought, word, and deed), select one of those topics, draw a circle around it, and ask God to help you change. A.Write down some of the exact things that He wants you to change. B. memorize Philippians 2:13, reminding you that God will give you the will and the power to do those exact things.

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