
2. What is God Like?

I. God’s Nature
II. God as Creator
III. God as Spirit
IV. God as Three-in-one
V. The Creed
VI. Creation in Daily Life
VII. God’s Response to Evil

  • Read 1 John 4:9-10. What is God’s attitude toward you?
    God ______ me.  (Scroll down to find answers at left.)
  1. What is the evidence that God loves you? _____
  2. If you don’t feel His love, does that prove He doesn’t
    love you?  ________
  3. If you go through difficulties, does that prove He
    doesn’t love you?  ________

II.  Read Revelation 4:8. Find three characteristics of God:
God is ______; God is ______; God is ________

  • Which phrases explain the meaning of “holy:”

__ very pure __ not interested in us

__ no sin __ very far from us

__ must punish sin __ separate from evil

  • God is holy and just, so He must punish our _____.
    Yet God loves you and so He arranged for someone to
    take your punishment in your place. Who?  _____
  • When did God begin to exist? ______
  • Give examples of God’s power,
    a) from the Bible, b) from your experience.

III.  Read Acts 17:24-25.

  1. Where did everything in the universe come from?
  2. What does God need?
  3. Where does God live? (select from list)

__ everywhere __ in my heart
__ in everyone’s heart  __ in heaven
__ you must go to church to contact God

Note: God is everywhere, but the phrase “in my heart” describes the
special, close relationship between believers and God.

     IV.  Read John 4:24. Why can’t you see God? God is a ________

1. What would be the disadvantage if God were limited by a body?  ______

    1. Where must I go to find God?  ______


    V.  Read Luke 1:46-47. Match:

__1. Jesus          a. God’s name as used in Old Testament

__2. Jehovah       b. The name of God the Son

                   __3. LORD           c. Can stand for both God and God the Son.                   __4. Lord

Note: Some Bibles write LORD, all in capital letters, to translate God’s name, Yahweh, which is sometimes spelled “Jehovah”.


                                           NOTE: the Chinese version of the matching exercise is:

__ 1. Shang Ti                         a. Name of God the Son

__ 2. Jesus                             b. This word means God

__ 3. Jehovah                         c. Can stand both for God and God the Son.

__ 4. Lord                                d. God’s name, often used in the Old Testament

      VI.  Read Matthew 28:19 The Bible teaches that God is three in one,
which we call “Trinity” or “Triune God”.
              The Father is God, the Son is God, The Holy Spirit is God;

              But the Father is not the Son, and the Son is not the Spirit.

              Only God the Son became a human. His name is: ______


The early Christians wrote a summary of some Christian beliefs that a person was expected to know when he was baptized. This statement is called “The Apostles’ Creed”. There are three parts, one about God the Father, one about the Son, and one about the Holy Spirit. The first part is: 
“I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.”

1. Which descriptions of God were in the Bible verses in this lesson? ___

2.  Which description was not found in the passages we looked up.  ____3. Read Matthew 7:11. Why is “father” a suitable name for God? _____

4. If God is our Father, then what are we? _______________________


God made everything. If you believe this fact, this thought will influence your daily life. Below are six situations. Please consider how accepting God as Creator could help someone who said these things. Answer each question by saying, “Since God made everything, therefore …”

  1. If someone says, “I do not have much value.”
  2. If someone says, “My life has no meaning.”
  3. If someone wants to end the life of a baby that is not born yet, what could you say?
  4. If someone does not care that he is making pollution, what could you say?
  5. If someone says, “I can do anything I want to. Nobody has the right to tell me what is right or wrong.”
  6. If someone says, “all gods are the same.”


IX.  GOD’S RESPONSE TO EVIL. Read Romans 1:18-22.

  1. What is God’s response when people reject him? (see verses 18 and 19).  _____
  2. Society is full of evil. What is the basic cause of society’s evil? (verse 21).  _____
  3. What happens to people’s lives when they do not have a relationship to the Creator?_____
  4. Does God love these evil people?  _____

 ANSWERS:   I. God loves me.      1.  Jesus died for me.     2..  no      3. no           II.  Holy, Almighty, always existed     1. no sin, very pure, must punish sin, separate from evil.     2.  sin.  Jesus.     3.  always was     III.  1.  God made everything     2.  needs nothing     3.  everywhere, in heaven, in my heart (if I am a believer)     IV.  God is Spirit     1.  You would have to go to a location to find Him.     2.  God is with me      everywhere.     V.  1.b, 2.a, 3.a, 4.c     VI.  Jesus     VII.  1. Almighty, Maker.     2.  Father     3.  Cares for us     4.  God’s children     VIII. 1.   You have value because God made you.     2.  You are here on purpose, not by accident.     3.  God gave life, and only God can authorize ending life.     4.  God gave us the world to take care of.     5.  The One who made you has the right to tell you now to live.     6.  Many gods are not regarded as “creator,” but the God of the Bible is Creator of all.     IX.  1.  Anger     2.  rejected God     3.  Do wrong     4.  Yes