mw 13 meet people

Meeting non-Christian people

From AB, 2004
In what ways to people in ministry do this, especially overseas?  Are there times/places I should know about where this is completely unacceptable/offensive?  I’d like to see where other people have done this, the methods/ideas they used.

Interview with MD and SD:

–          very important to greet people in their culture

–          body language important as well

–          go bowling/out for coffee to  be a part of the group

–          people want to feel heart-to heart sincerity


From SK 2004: from TR videotape.  We had a native style porch so they would feel comfortable and come visit


Interview with EB and PB:

be  a good neighbor

–          be friendly, show concern

–          learn the language first

–          think of when you went to school here:   how did you get to know people?

–          Some missionaries don’t want to let locals into lives:   Want wall between them

–          Some missionaries do well at programming, others at relationships.

–          Common way to measure success: number of baptisms, confirmands

o        In SE Asia to get one is a big deal

o        In Africa, they probably started 13 churches and baptized thousands of people


Professor F Experience
He built relationships “By buying stuff when we got there.”  Someone asked why were they there; they bought furniture from him and went on to conversing four times a week with him in his store.  To provide something to give to people who asked about the Bible, he wrote something simple in English about how to read the book of Mark, asked his language teachers to translate it, and had it typed on 8 sheets of paper  He then went page by page-one at a time

From AB, 2003

-Be open, loving, and gracious towards them.

-Answer their questions.

-Ask them questions about their life/beliefs.

-Do not shy away from them.

-Live your life as a little Christ.

-Share your hope and faith in Christ.

-Be bold in sharing the reason for the hope you have w/out Lording it over them.

-Encourage them to come to events, get-togethers, etc.

-Make yourself available to talk one-on-one with them if they desire to do that.

-Compliment them(Look to build them up).

-Pray for them.

-When the time is right, share scripture passages, and with the help of the H.S. explain those passages to them.

-In Taiwan, the main religion was Chinese religion(which is a mixture of Daoism/Buddhism/Hinduism).  Most people did not understand what true Christianity was, but were interested in leaning more about Christianity(Gronbach Interview).

Most people in Taiwan did not understand what true Christianity was, but were interested in leaning more about Christianity(Gronbach Interview). DB

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