Publicity Ideas

Publicity Ideas
for the Great Commission Living witness workshop

This page has three parts: Decisions, Time-line, and Suggested wording.


Setting the Fee. Jim will present this workshop at no charge. The registration fee would be based on whether or not the planning team wants to provide lunch, on the cost of coffee and snacks throughout the day, and on travel and living arrangements for Jim. 

Registration. The planning team also needs to decide whether it would like any money to be sent in with the pre-registrations. Pre-registrations are needed to know how to plan for lunch. Experience at other churches has shown that you get more pre-registrations if you offer an early-bird discount.  I do however also encourage you to accept walk-ins. The team also needs to consider: Shall there be a special rate for high school and college students? Would you like to have a special rate for two people registering together, sharing one set of handouts?

Checks. The team needs to decide who the checks should be written out to, and who will take care of those checks.

Contact person. The brochure typically will include a tear-off registration blank. The team needs to decide what address will be used, and who will receive the blanks. If the team allows registration by phone and/or email, the team needs to decide whose phone number will go on the brochure.

Time. Jim typically presents from 9 to 12, and 12:30 to 3:30 (with a fifteen minute break at 19:30 and 2), for a total of six hours. The team needs to decide whether to lengthen the lunch time, and whether to add a welcome and devotion by one of the pastors before 9 or after 3:30 (this is not required, but many churches want to do this). The team may also decide to use a different schedule, for example, by including some hours on Friday night or Sunday afternoon to reach the needed 6 hours.

Publicity Scope. To decide how many brochures to print, the team needs to decide whether it wants to mail publicity to circuit churches, to all your denomination’s churches in the area, or to churches in your area. If you print the brochures in-house, you could print just enough for the first mailing, and then print more when you hand them out to the entire congregation in your church bulletin. Sample wording for a brochure is at the very bottom of this page.

Time line
This plan assumes you will want to publicize the event in two of your monthly church newsletters.

Action to be taken
to put
in charge
check off
when task is
13 Submit paragraph for church’s monthly newsletter
9 Send brochures and cover letter to other churches and to your district office.
8 Begin to announce the event during Sunday Bible class and in home groups. Submit paragraph for next Sunday’s church bulletin (samples below). Submit paragraph for next monthly newsletter.
7 Submit paragraph for next Sunday’s church bulletin
6 Submit paragraph for next Sunday’s church bulletin
5 Submit paragraph for next Sunday’s church bulletin. At end of week, Distribute brochures at adult Sunday school, youth group, and  leaders of home small groups. 
4 Send an email to all members. Submit paragraph for next Sunday’s church bulletin. Make enough brochures to put one in every church bulletin at end of the week,
3 Submit paragraph for next Sunday’s church bulletin. Send information to local newspapers.
2 Submit paragraph for next Sunday’s church bulletin. 

One week before the workshop, make lunch plans based on the number or pre-registrations.
On the day of the workshop, set up tables and chairs, sound system, and white-board. Prepare coffee and snacks.

Suggested texts for you to edit:

 (Suggested wording for Newsletter two months before the event):

On (date) (church name) will present a workshop called GREAT COMMISSION LIVING.  The Great Commission is “go and make disciples of all nations;” Great Commission Living then is seeing the opportunities to help others become disciples as you go through your day. Through this workshop, burdens will be lifted, common blockades will be removed, and faith will be built up — faith that God can use you to help others. The sessions provide answers to common concerns such as starting a spiritual conversation, avoiding rejection, answering objections, and not being sure what to say.  Our entire life is a witness, providing opportunities to show how Jesus on the cross is the basis for acceptance by God. Workshop presenter is Jim Found from our church. The workshop fee of $__ will include lunch and materials. The workshop will start at 9 am with coffee and rolls provided, and continue to 3:30. A full description of the workshop can be found at

 (suggested wording for newsletter for one month before the event):

Have you registered for the GREAT COMMISSION LIVING workshop planned at (church name) on (date)?  Just phone __at ___ or email  ___.  The workshop starts at 9, includes lunch, and continues to 3:30.

 You can learn to share your faith in Christ more effectively, starting with the people God has already placed around you. The new life naturally wants to express itself, and through this workshop you will peel off impediments like fear of rejection, uncertainty as to how to present the faith, anxiety about being faced with objections, and difficulties in bringing up the subject. The power is not in us, but in God, for “the gospel is the power of God unto salvation.” To preview the workshop concepts, go to

 You may register by taking a brochure from the welcome center at church, by phoning ___, or by emailing _____. Those who register by February 21 will be able to receive their book at the conference, and receive the discounted rate of $8, which includes lunch. Those who register at the standard fee of $10 by March 4 will receive their book ten days after the conference. Registration on the day of the event is also possible, but getting the standard lunch is not guaranteed.

 Suggestion for letter to other churches:

Dear ___

 On (date), (church name) will be hosting a workshop called GREAT COMMISSION LIVING. Christ has commissioned us to “make disciples of all nations.” This workshop will show how we can be part of God’s plan for others to become disciples through the encounters we have in our day to day living.

 The presenter is Jim Found. Jim served as a missionary for eleven years, and then taught mission and outreach courses as part of the Hoffmann Institute at Concordia University in St. Paul, Minnesota until he retired from teaching in 2006 and moved to Colorado. He continues to give these workshops around the country as a representative of the institute.

 Your congregation members can learn to share their faith in Christ more effectively, starting with the people God has already placed around them. The new life naturally wants to express itself, and through this workshop your members will be able to peel off impediments to that natural expression, impediments like fear of rejection, uncertainty as to how to present the faith, anxiety about being faced with objections, and difficulties in bringing up the subject. The power is not in us, but in God, for “the gospel is the power of God unto salvation,” and people can learn to share this gospel in a relevant, non-threatening way. A full description of the workshop can be found at

The workshop will begin at __ am. Lunch will be provided, and the afternoon session will then continue until ___ pm.. The registration fee includes snacks, lunch, and all materials. Early registrations will help prepare for the lunch, so we offer a discount registration amount of $___ for all registrations received by __________. and; after that date, the registration amount will be $1___. To register, mail the form in the brochure or simply send a note with your check to the church address. You can also email to __ or phone __ at ___.

(sponsoring group) 

Suggested wording for Email for all church members 

 Dear member or friend,

(Church name) will host a workshop on (date) called GREAT COMMISSION LIVING. The purpose is to help all of us take part in the Great Commission, which is to “go and make disciples of all nations.” This workshop shows how we can do it naturally as part of our day to day living. The time is from __ am to ___ pm, with lunch provided.

The presenter is Jim Found. Jim began giving this workshop while serving as a missionary on Taiwan, and during the years following while teaching missions courses at Concordia University in St. Paul, Minnesota. He, has presented it in about forty churches around the country. Click here to see a sampling of the workshop approach:

We hope you can take part. You may register by taking a brochure from the welcome center at church, by phoning ___, or by emailing _____. Those who register by ____ will receive the discounted rate of $___, which includes lunch. Registration on the day of the event is also possible, though getting the standard lunch is not guaranteed.


Suggestion for news release to local papers


(Church name) (church address) will host a workshop on (date) called “Great Commission Living,” showing how people can share faith naturally in the course of daily life and so be part of God’s plan to “make disciples of all nations.” Presenter is Jim Found, representing the Hoffmann Institute of St. Paul, Minnesota. The workshop is described at To register, phone ____.


For use on a newspaper community calendar on the Friday before the workshop:

(church name) is sponsoring the Great Commission Workshop tomorrow. For details phone _____.


Suggestions for Sunday bulletin paragraphs:

Does fear of rejection keep you from sharing your faith?  You can learn to share in a non-threatening way that keeps your relationships intact. Find answers at, and more at the Great Commission Living workshop here at (church name) on (date).

Are you afraid your witnessing attempt will leave a bad impression?  Find out how even a mistake on your part could be used in God’s plan for your friend. Find answers at, and more at the Great Commission Living workshop here at (church name) on (date).

Can you readily move from secular topics into spiritual ones?  Learn three simple ways to transition naturally to the subject of Christ. Find answers at, and more at the Great Commission Living workshop here at (church name) on (date).

 Do you refrain from witnessing because you’re not sure what to say?  Learn from Peter and Paul what the basic concepts are, and how to share them without becoming mechanical. Find answers at, and more at the Great Commission Living workshop here at (church name) on (date).

 Do you hesitate to being up your faith because you’re sure someone will raise an objection you can’t answer?  Learning the three ways to respond to an objection will release you to get conversations started. Find answers at, and more at the Great Commission Living workshop here at (church name) on (date). from 9 to 3:30.

 See how burdens are lightened when you have a clear view of God’s role in witnessing as compared to yours. Find answers at, and more at the Great Commission Living workshop here at (church name) on (date).

 See how you can be part of God’s command to “make disciples” no matter what response you get when you witness. Find answers at, and more at the Great Commission Living workshop here at (church name) on (date).

 Do you hold back from witnessing because you’re afraid you’ll offend your friend? Find answers at,  and more at the Great Commission Living workshop here at (church name) on (date).

The brochure in today’s bulletin includes a registration form for the personal witness workshop, which is just three weeks away. You can register though next Sunday, Feb 21, at the early discount rate. There is a box for registrations on the welcome center counter.


Only six days left until the GREAT COMMISSION LIVING workshop here at (church name) next Saturday from 9 to 3:30. To help you prepare, there is a devotion for you on each of those six days. Find them at If you haven’t registered yet, phone ___ at ___.

Other Suggestions: 

If you desire to use bulletin inserts, you might like to print one of the witness devotions each week along with your registration blank.

You might get additional ideas for publicity by contacting some of the churches that have hosted this workshop in the past.

Template for the Witness Brochure 

(fill in dates, times, fee, submit to (church name)’s brochure-maker)

(this template assumes a trifold, but the same copy can by use in other styles)

(page 1 – title page) (brochure maker can add graphics)
Sharing Faith Naturally in Conversation
Presented by Jim Found
Hoffmann Institute
of Concordia University, St. Paul MN
(time: from _ am  to ___ pm)
((church name)
((church address)

(page 2)
A personal witnessing workshop

The term “Great Commission” refers to Christi’s command in Matthew 28:19-20: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations.”

 Great Commission Living means that you are ready to see your daily interactions with people as opportunities for God to move them along the track towards faith and discipleship.

 In this workshop, blockades are removed and faith that God can help others through you is built up.  The sessions provide answers to common concerns such as starting a spiritual conversation, avoiding rejection, answering objections, and not being sure what to say.  Our entire life is a witness, providing opportunities to show how Jesus on the cross is the basis for acceptance by God. A review of the workshop concepts can be found on the link “witness” at

 (page 3)
Have you ever …

Let a fear of rejection keep you from sharing your faith?

Hesitated to bring up faith because you were sure someone would rasie an objection you couldn’t answer?

Been unsure how to move from secular topics to spiritual ones?

There is a growing need for God’s people to “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” 1 Peter 3:15 (NIV)

The workshop schedule is:
Session 1 (first morning session): Removing Blockades to Witness
Coffee break
Session 2 (second morning session): Have clear direction while avoiding a mechanical approach
Session 3 (first afternoon session): Bringing up faith in relevant ways
Coffee break
Session four (second afternoon session): Overcoming fear of Objections

(page 4)

(insert photo of Jim from

 Jim Found
Hoffmann Institute
Concordia University, St. Paul, MN

 Jim Found and his wife Sue served with LCMS World Mission in Taiwan for 11 years, on the campus of a Chinese school called Concordia Middle School. Upon returning to the states, Jim then taught missions and outreach courses at Concordia University in St. Paul, Minnesota, and as part of the Hoffmann Institute there.. Before going to Taiwan, Jim was a Director of Christian Education near Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Jim and Sue moved to Loveland, Colorado when Jim retired from teaching, but Jim continues giving workshops around the country as a deployed member of the Institute.

 (page 5)
TO REGISTER, Phone _________, email _____________, or mail this slip to the church address on the front of this brochure.

 The registration fee includes the workshop, materials, and lunch. We need to receive your fee by February 22 for you to get the early bird fee of $8, because we will order the books that week. After that the fee becomes $10, and you will receive your book sometime after the workshop.

 Names of those attending:____

 Address: ____

 Phone: ____

 Home church with City:____

 Amount enclosed:____

 (page 6)

 (photo of church)

 (How to find church )

 ((church web address)


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