ml 11 child edu

Children’s Education on the Field

Home School Experiences:
Interview with PG, by AD. I asked P. about their options for their daughter T’s education while on the mission field. They chose to home school as they felt this to be the best option. They public school did not provide a quality education and the private schools were high above the class level of the people with whom they were working. They found that it was challenging to find the right model to use, but once you find out what fits many positive blessings flow from this education option. T. was provided with a far better education than she could have had in the states (she was a year ahead when she returned home on furlough) and she became extremely self-motivated. Home schooling was also the most flexible option available to the family. Paul admitted that it was a bit of an adjustment for T. when they returned home, but that the experience of being a missionary child gave her life experience that far out-weighs any book knowledge.

Interview of M and S P, by AD. S. home schooled their children while on the field and found it to be a joy. She found that it was fun to spend time with her children. One of the challenges they had was with finding the balance of integrating American influence into their childrens’ learning.

Setting family and rest time as priority was important for the P’s while on the mission field. M. stated that it is imperative that you take a day off every week and to find the balance between work and rest. He said that the Holy Spirit will guide you in finding this balanced rhythm. It was hard for S to set these boundaries. Emotionally, it was very draining as people would come, unexpectedly, knocking on their door. M. and S. also tried to maintain a “date night” while in on the Mission field.

Boarding School Experiences.
Interview with the B’s. There was a problem with their education. The school available for them to attend was taught in English, and taught at a very basic level. There were not many opportunities for his children to learn beyond an elementary school level. Therefore, the children went to a boarding school. They lived with house parents in a boarding home near the school, owned by the Lutheran mission.

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