
Peace Bible Study

WHAT is it? WHERE can I find it? WHO can experience it? WHEN can I have it?WHAT? The dictionary tells us that peace is:
a. Absence of war or other hostilities
b. Agreement to end hostilities
c. Freedom from quarrels and disagreement, harmonious relations
d. Public security and order
e. Inner contentment, serenity
1 . The first four definitions refer to an outward peace. Name some more specific examples of outward peace.
2. Do you think that any part of our world is experiencing peace today?
3. Why is there so much unrest? (2 Timothy 3:2-4)
4. Looking at definitions a-d, do you think our world will ever be peaceful?
5. The fifth definition refers to inner peace. Name some more specific examples of inner peace.
6. Do you think that most people are experiencing inner peace today?
7. Why not? (Mark 7:21-23)
8. Is inner peace possible? Can there be peace inside when there is no peace outside? ( John 16:33 – Acts 16:22-25)WHERE? There are many modern books on the market today that offer “new” philosophies
about where to find peace. There are also many substances that offer “freedom” from anxiety.
Use the word game to name some examples. _ ealth Can you think of others?
meditati _ n
d_ ugs
psychic hea _ ing
min _ control
alcoho _

9. How were those who led people astray with their false claims of peace described in Jeremiah 6: 13-15 and Ezekiel 13:8-10? How do they compare with today’s false prophets?
A temporary or imitation peace might be brought about by WORLDLY means, and the price tag is very high, but the Bible claims that there is another kind of peace that Jesus could give – a peace that is different from the peace that the world gives (John 14:27), is beyond human under­standing (Philippians 4:7), and will last forever (Isaiah 54: 10).

10. Why doesn’t everyone have this ” peace of God”? Colossians 1:21
1 1 . What was necessary before our relationship with God could be restored? What was the price? (Colossians 1: 19,20,22 – Isaiah 53:5 – Ephesians 2: 12,13a)
What was the purpose of sacrifices? Hebrews 10:1-3
We have broken he law, we cannot pay the penalty, so we must accept the punishment -seperation from God. BUT, because of God’s love, he sent his son Jesus into our world. Jesus obeyed the law perfectly, he met God’s standard (John 8:29), so God ended the first system of sacrifices so that he could set up the new system. He accepted the sacrifice of his son so that our sins could be forgiven. Jesus took the punishment that we deserved (HebrewslO:5-10,14) so that we can be OK in God’s sight.
Colossians 2:13-14
Galatians 4:4-5

God offers this free gift of forgiveness and new life to those who believe in Him and receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Romans 3:28
Romans 5:1
So you can see that the Bible teaches that JESUS is the key to a right relationship with God. But throughout history, many have rejected him, refused to receive him, just as the Jewish religious leaders did 2000 years ago. Those religious leaders, along with the majority of people today, felt that they were OK with God because they kept the religious laws and offered sacrifices. They accused Jesus of breaking the laws because he healed people on the Sabbath day, their day of rest. The Jews tried all the harder to kill Jesus; not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but He was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God.
Jesus said to them, “These things I do (miracles, healing) are the things my Father gave me to do. They show that the Father sent me.. .You have never heard his voice. You have never seen what he looks like. His teaching does not live in you BECA– USE YOU DON’T BELIEVE IN THE ONE THAT THE FATHER SENT. You carefully study the Scriptures because you think that they give you eternal life. Those are the same Scriptures that tell about me! But you refuse to come to me to have that life. I don’t want praise from men. But I know you -1 know that you don’t have God’s love in you. I have come from my Father -1 speak for him. But you don’t accept me… You like to have praise from each other. But you never try to get the praise that comes from only God. So how can you believe? Don’t think that I will stand before the Father and say that you are wrong. Moses is the one who says that you are wrong. And he is the one that you hoped would save you. If you really believed Moses, you would believe me because Moses wrote about me (Genesis 3:15). But you don’t believe what Moses wrote. So how can you believe what I say?” John 5:18,36-47 Gal.3:10-11

Perhaps you believe in Jesus, but feel that your faith is weak. Hebrews 12:1-2 The maturing faith. Philippians 3:9-16 The goal. Colossians 1:25-29 The reward. Philippians 3:20-21 Hebrews 12:22-29

WHO? – Does God promise peace to everyone?
12. What was the fate of those who did not follow God in the Old Testament? (Deuteronomy 28:58-59, 65,66)
13. Who is exempt from peace according to Isaiah 48:22?
14. God’s anger, trouble, and distress are in store for whom according to Romans 2:8-9?
15. Is there anything positive that can result from this lack of peace? Does anxiety ever have a purpose?
“Does God make us anxious? Not directly. But those who disobey his Word can expect to experience mental and emotional stress. Even those who manage to put God completely out of their thoughts can worry about their ‘indiscretions’ coming to light. Sinners have an innate drive to hide their deeds. But cover-ups lead inevitably to anxiety. Still, God knows that such feelings can be part of the process of bringing people back to him. Just as pain produces a reflex causing us to pull our hand away from a hot stove, so guilt and anxiety can lead to a conviction that causes us to pull away from sinful, destructive behavior. So God has no qualms about allowing sinners to struggle with this kind of anxiety. He permits anxiety as a consequence for sin and foolish attitudes.” (The Quest Study Bible, page 274)

16. Can you give any examples of anxiety that has positively led to confession of sin?
Paul tells us in Romans 5:1 that those who trust Jesus to forgive their sins have peace. “Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

17. When we have peace with God, he will help us to have peace with others. We are warned, however about two things that could keep us from having peace with others:
1.Romans 12:16-18 ______________________________
2. Hebrews 12:14a, 15 _______________________________
18. Knowing man’s sinful nature, God gave special instructions to have peace with whom?
Mark 9:38-40,50 _____________________________
1 Corinthians 7:12,13,15 _____________________________
1 Thessalonians 5:12,13 _____________________________
!Peter2:13a,18, _____________________________
1 Peter 3:1,7 _________________________________
1 Peter 3:8-12

But what about Matthew 10:34,36, does it contradict Luke 2:14?
Can both statements be true?
The following note from the NIV Study Bible (page 1457) helps to explain Matthew 10:34,36. “It is true that Christ came to bring peace – peace between the believer and God, and peace among men. Yet the inevitable result of Christ’s coming is conflict – between Christ and the anti-christ, between light and darkness, between Christ’s children and the devil’s children. This conflict can occur even between members of the same family.”
WHEN? In his final greeting to the church in Thessalonica, Paul writes, “Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. ( 2 Thessalonians 2:16) But there are times when Christians fail to experience the peace that Jesus offers them.

20. What practical steps does God tell us to take when we are anxious?
Isaiah 26:3 _______________________________________ Matthew 6:25-34
Romans 15:13
Philippians 4:4-7
Philippians 4:8-9 Think about whatever is:
a.______ c.______ e.
b.______ d.______ f._
1 Peter 5:7,10 _____________________________
21. Is anxiety sin?
When Jesus’ disciples awoke Jesus in the boat because there was a bad storm and they were afraid they were going to drown, he asked them “Where is your faith?” (Luke 8:22-25) In Romans 14:23b we find that “Everything that does not come from ___ is sin”. It is very easy to make excuses for anxiety, but if there is a chance that it might be the sin of failing to trust God we know that we can deal with sin according to 1 John 1:8-10
22. What about fear of death? (Hebrews 2:14-15) Compare Isaiah 57:2 with Romans 2:5.

23. Will there ever be an environment of perfect peace? Revelations 21:1-4
24. Can you think of anyone who would not welcome true and lasting peace in their life? Can you think of a greater joy than the privilege telling others that they can have this peace?
How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who announces PEACE and brings news of happiness, who announces salvation, and says to Zion, your God reigns!

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