Successful Living


Let’s talk about how our time in America can be a success.

What do you hope for during this trip? _______

SKIT.   First day of summer school in August.

A: Nice to see you again. How was your trip to America?
B: Not bad.
A: Did you have a nice host family?
B: I’m not sure. We didn’t talk much because my English isn’t too good.
A: Did your English get better during your trip?
B: No, I only talked to my Taiwan friends.
A: Did you see a lot of mountains and waterfalls?
B: A few, but I played a lot of games on my phone.

Let’s think about how we can get the most out of the next three weeks  — What might prevent us from from making the best use of our time? ______

During this trip we will also talk about how our life can be a success. Some people seem to enjoy life, while other people seem to be complaining most of the time. Do you know any people who are not happy about their life? Why do some people seem too have a successful life and some do not?

Jesus wants us to succeed, because Jesus said, “I have come so that my sheep (my followers) may have life, a more full and complete life.”  John約翰福音10:10-11.  耶穌說:  我來了,是要叫羊得生命,並且得的更豐盛。

God can put the good qualities into our life that will help us to have a successful life. The Bible says that God gives us love, joy peace … (and many other good things).  聖 靈 所 結 的 果 子 , 就 是 仁 愛 、 喜 樂 、 和 平 、 忍 耐 、 恩 慈 、 良 善 、 信 實 、 溫 柔 、 節 制 。Galatians加拉太書  5:22. God wants to put these good things into our lives because he loves us and cares about us.  In our devotion time each day we will ask God to put these good things into our life.

Closing Prayer: Dear God, please help this trip to be a success for everyone. And please help my life to be a success. Thank you. In Jesus name. Amen


A successful person is a person who is not burdened by guilt and regret.

If you always remember the bad things you have done, or things that you wish you had done differently, you cannot focus on things that are important today.
Do you know people who are full of regret?  ___ What is life like for them? ___
If you know you are forgiven, how can that help your life? ____

SKIT. A dangerous place in the mountains.

A: this is a great view.
B: I need to get closer.
C: Don’t go so close! It is too dangerous!
B: Don’t tell me what to do.
A: We should all stay here where it is safe.
B: But I can’t get a good picture from here.
C: Wait! That sign says, “stay away from the edge.”
B: I don’t care what the sign says. I’m going closer. (goes close to edge)
A: Come Back!
B: This is perfect. (falls off) “Aaah”
A and C: Help! Our friend fell off the edge.

Was the sign meant to hurt the people? ____  God’s laws are like the signs that keep us from danger and lead to a successful life. God’s laws include “Do not lie, do not steal, honor your mother and father.” Do some people think that they can’t be successful in business if they follow God’s laws, such as not to lie? If I tell lies, will people trust me? What if we disobey one of God’s laws?  The Bible says, “sin is the breaking of the law.”  1 John約翰一書3:4  違背律法就是罪. The Bible also says, “your sins have separated you from God.” Isaiah以赛亚書59:2  但 你 們 的 罪 孽 使 你 們 與 神 隔 絕 . Through Jesus it is possible to solve the problem of the separation and for us to be in a close relationship with God.

When we disobey God’s laws, we should be punished. When we do something wrong, we have two choices. We can make excuses, for example, “it is OK because other people do it.” Or, we can admit to God that we did something wrong, and ask God to forgive us.”

God knows we will sometimes disobey, but God loves us, so the Bible says, “If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just and will forgive our sins.”  1 John約翰一書1:9  我們若認自己的罪,神是信實的,是公義的,必要赦免我們的罪。

God will forgive you because Jesus died for you. The Bible says, “Once you were far from God and were His enemies because of the evil things you did and said. By now God has made you his friends again by the death of Christ (Jesus). You can come to God because you have become clean, with no dirty spots, so no one can accuse you, if you continue in your faith.” Colossians歌羅西書1:21-23   

你 們 從 前 與 神 隔 絕 , 因 著 惡 行 , 心 裡 與 他 為 敵 。但 如 今 他 藉 著 基 督 的 肉 身 受 死 , 叫 你 們 與 自 己 和 好 , 都 成 了 聖 潔 , 沒 有 瑕 疵 , 無 可 責 備 , 把 你 們 引 到 自 己 面 前 。 只 要 你 們 在 所 信 的 道 上 恆 心  。
When you know you are forgiven, you have a clear conscience and so you can focus on your work and become successful.

Closing prayer: Dear God, forgive me for those times when I did not obey you. Thank you that Jesus has paid for my sins. Thank you that you do forgive me and that you help me to  forgive others. Thank you that you are my friend, and never my enemy. Please help me today, and help all of us on this trip. in Jesus name. Amen

A successful person is a joyful person. Do you agree?
What is the opposite of “joyful?”  ________ Do you know people who complain a lot? ­­­­_____

Do you know people who are usually joyful? ­­­______ Can people be joyful only when things are going good, or is it possible to be joyful even when things are going bad? ­­­___

Some people think that having a lot of money can make us happy. Are rich and famous people always happy? ___  Can you think of any famous people who became depressed, or ended their lives? ___  In the Bible, King Solomon was very rich and famous for things he had done, but  these things did not make him happy. He wrote sadly, “After this, I looked at everything my hands and my hard work had accomplished, and knew that all this is empty and chasing the wind; there is not benefit to anything under the sky.” Ecclesiastes傳道書2:11

後 來 , 我 察 看 我 手 所 經 營 的 一 切 事 和 我 勞 碌 所 成 的 功 。 誰 知 都 是 虛 空 , 都 是 捕 風 ; 在 日 光 之 下 毫 無 益 處 。
King Solomon then concluded that only knowing God has lasting benefit: Fear God and obey his commands. Ecclesiastes 12:13. 總 意 就 是 : 敬 畏 神 , 謹 守 他 的 誡 命. 傳道書

God can give us joy. Jesus said, “If you are in me, and my words are in you, ask me for whatever you want, and I will do it for you …. I said these things to you, so that my joy will be in you and your joy will be made full.  “John約翰福音15:7, 11.  你 們 若 常 在 我 裡 面 , 我 的 話 也 常 在 你 們 裡 面 , 凡 你 們 所 願 意 的 , 祈 求 , 就 給 你 們 成 就 …  這 些 事 我 已 經 對 你 們 說 了 , 是 要 叫 我 的 喜 樂 存 在 你 們 心 裡 , 並 叫 你 們 的 喜 樂 可 以 滿 足 。

God enables us to be content. “Be content with what you have, because God says “I will never leave you or forsake you.”  Hebrews希伯來書13:5  你 們 存 心 不 可 貪 愛 錢 財 , 要 以 自 己 所 有 的 為 足 ; 因 為 主 曾 說 : 我 總 不 撇 下 你 , 也 不 丟 棄 你 。

In the Bible, a man named Paul writes about the many difficulties in his life, but he said that through God’s help during these difficulties, “I have learned to be content … I can do all things through him (Christ) who gives me strength.” Philippians腓立比書4:11,13. 我 無 論 在 甚 麼 景 況 都 可 以 知 足 , 這 是 我 已 經 學 會 了  … 我 靠 著 那 加 給 我 力 量 的 , 凡 事 都 能 做 。

Can you think of reasons to be joyful even when something bad happens? ___ Is this why God encourages us to “rejoice always, pray, and give thanks for everything?” 1 Thessalonians贴撒羅尼前書5:16-18. 要 常 常 喜 樂 ,不 住 的 禱 告 ,凡 事 謝 恩 .

God gives us meaning and purpose in life by giving us a role in society: “we are … created in Christ Jesus for good works that He has prepared for us to do.” Ephesians以弗所書2:10. 我 們 原 是 … 在 基 督 耶 穌 裡 造 成 的 , 為 要 叫 我 們 行 善 , 就 是 神 所 預 備 叫 我 們 行 的 。

Have you found joy by doing a job well? ­­­___

Joy is found in helping others. Jesus had joy even though he was going to be rejected and die on the cross, Because of the joy set before him, he took it lightly to be reviled, and endured the suffering of the cross, and now He is at the right hand side of God. Hebrews希伯來書12:2.  他 因 那 擺 在 前 面 的 喜 樂 , 就 輕 看 羞 辱 , 忍 受 了 十 字 架 的 苦 難 , 便 坐 在 神 寶 座 的 右 邊 。. Jesus knew he was taking the punishment for my sins, and that he could be with me now and in the afterlife.

Have you found joy in helping others? ____

Theme verse: The Holy Spirit produces love, joy,   …   聖 靈 所 結 的 果 子 , 就 是 仁 愛 、 喜 樂 、

Closing. Dear God, thank you for loving us.  Please change us into people who are joyful no matter what happens. Please give us more ways that we can help others so that we find joy in life. Please keep us safe today. Please take care of our families and friends. Thank you, in Jesus name. Amen


A successful person feels secure, not afraid. Do you agree? ___
Do you know people who are often afraid? ___ What things are people afraid of? ____   Are you at your best when you are afraid?  ­­­____Do you know people who feel secure? _____

To show that God helps us feel secure, the Bible often compares God to a rock, for example:
 You are our rock and fortress. Ps詩篇31:3    你 是 我 的 巖 石 , 我 的 山 寨.

Here the word  “Rock” makes us think of a strong wall that can protect us.
In the Bible, King David wrote: I patiently wait for God; He leans down to hear my call for help; He pulls me up out of the pit of disaster and mud; he puts my feet on a rock, making my footsteps secure. Many people will see it … and trust in the LORD. Psalm詩篇40:2-3 我 曾 耐 性 等 候 耶 和 華 ; 他 垂 聽 我 的 呼 求 。他 從 禍 坑 裡 , 從 淤 泥 中 , 把 我 拉 上 來 , 使 我 的 腳 立 在 磐 石 上 , 使 我 腳 步 穩 當 。許 多 人 必 看 見  , 並 要 倚 靠 耶 和 華 。 Here Rock makes us think of something long-lasting and dependable. The word耶 和 華 is God’s name. The English Bible substitutes the word LORD (all big letters).

Jesus said that a wise man builds a house on a rock, but a foolish man builds his house on sand. Matthew馬太福音7:14.  所 以 , 凡 聽 見 我 這 話 就 去 行 的 , 好 比 一 個 聰 明 人 , 把 房 子 蓋 在 磐 石 上 ;凡 聽 見 我 這 話 不 去 行 的 , 好 比 一 個 無 知 的 人 , 把 房 子 蓋 在 沙 土 上 .

If we build on sand, we will feel afraid, not safe.  What are examples of building your life “on sand?” (That is, what things do people depend on in life that might not be dependable?) _____

When we are afraid, we depend on God.  “When I am afraid I will trust in You.” Psalm詩篇56:3.  我 懼 怕 的 時 候 要 倚 靠 你.

Rocks are good places to hide. Years ago outlaws came to these rocks to hide from the police. In times of trouble, we can say to God:  You are my hiding place; you protect me from troubles.  Psalm詩篇32:7-8.    你 是 我 藏 身 之 處 ; 你 必 保 佑 我 脫 離 苦 難.

Closing. Dear God, we are sorry for times we felt afraid because we depended on things that cannot keep us safe, instead of depending on you. Help us to depend on you for our safety and security. When life is too difficult, please give me strength and guidance to get through. Thank you for keeping us safe. Please keep us safe today. Please take care of our families and friends. Thank you, in Jesus name. Amen


A successful person is a good person. Do you agree? _____ What is the opposite of “goodness?”  ________ What are some things in our world that people do that are not good?  ____

These Bible verses describe a good person:
A good person’s deeds are not worthless; he is friendly and meets the needs of others. Titus提多書3:8-14.   並 且 我 們 的 人 要 學 習 正 經 事 業, 預 備 所 需 用 的 , 免 得 不 結 果 子 。

The Bible says: “The Lord has told us what is good. He wants us to be fair, to show love, and to be close to him.” Micah 彌迦書 6:8. 世 人 哪 , 耶 和 華 已 指 示 你 何 為 善 。 他 向 你 所 要 的 是 甚 麼 呢 ? 只 要 你 行 公 義 , 好 憐 憫 , 存 謙 卑 的 心 , 與 你 的 神 同 行 。

Do you know people who have goodness in their lives? How do they show it?  _____

God is good. The Bible says: “the love and mercy of the LORD will never end.” (Lamentations耶利米哀歌3:22-23) 耶 和 華 諸 般 的 慈 愛 …  他 的 憐 憫 不 致 斷 絕 。
Jesus said, “I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. John約翰福音 10:11.  我 是 好 牧 人 ; 好 牧 人 為 羊 捨 命 。 (Jesus is God who took on a human body)

God can help us do good things.  The Bible says, “Once we did not have knowledge, did not obey, and were confused. We were controlled by all kinds of selfish desires and we thought only about having a good time. We had a hateful and jealous heart, hating others and others hating us. But when the goodness and love to man of God appeared (when Jesus came), God saved us, not because we did good, but because He is full of mercy.  Titus 提多書3:3-5.   我們從前也是無知、悖逆、受迷惑,服侍各樣私慾和宴樂,常存惡毒、嫉妒的心,是可恨的,又是彼此相恨。 但到了神我們救主的恩慈和他向人所施的慈愛顯明的時候, 他便救了我們,並不是因我們自己所行的義,乃是照他的憐憫。

Theme verse: The Holy Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, goodness …   聖 靈 所 結 的 果 子 , 就 是 仁 愛 、 喜 樂 、 和 平 、 忍 耐 、 恩 慈 、 良 善 、(The Holy Spirit is God who influences our lives. Jesus and the Holy Spirit and God the Father together are one God, called the LORD, 耶 和 華).

Closing. Dear God, we are sorry for the times we have done things that are not good. Please change us into people who do good things. Please keep us safe today. Please take care of our families and friends. Thank you, in Jesus name. Amen


A successful person knows that other people love him and accept him. Do you agree? ___
What is the opposite of “being loved?”   ____What if someone thought “no one cares about me?”   ________ How would they feel? ______.  Would it be hard to be successful in life? ____

How do people feel when others love and accept them? ­­­­­_____
Can that feeling help them have a successful life?  _____

God loves you. God’s love is shown in action. “God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, so that whoever believes in him will not be destroyed but will have eternal life (after death). “ John約翰福音3:16.  神 愛 世 人 , 甚 至 將 他 的 獨 生 子 賜 給 他 們 , 叫 一 切 信 他 的 , 不 至 滅 亡 , 反 得 永 生 。

The Bible says that God loves us even if we don’t deserve it. (that is called “unconditional love.”):

When we were weak, Christ (Jesus) died for us sinners, at the chosen time. It is not common to die even for a good person … but Christ died for us even though we were sinners (we were not always good persons). … When we were enemies of God, through the death of God’s Son, we now are friends with God.   Romans羅馬書5:6-11 因 我 們 還 軟 弱 的 時 候 , 基 督 就 按 所 定 的 日 期 為 罪 人 死 。為 義 人 死 , 是 少 有 的 ;….  惟 有 基 督 在 我 們 還 作 罪 人 的 時 候 為 我 們 死 , 神 的 愛 就 在 此 向 我 們 顯 明 了 ….  因 為 我 們 作 仇 敵 的 時 候 , 且 藉 著 神 兒 子 的 死 , 得 與 神 和 好   。

A: It really helps me to know that God loves me.
B: But I don’t think that God loves me.
A: Why not?
B: Because sometimes I do things that are not good, so why should God love me?
A: God loves you even if you do not deserve it.
B: Well, maybe, but I still don’t think that God loves me.
A: Why not?
B: If God loved me, I would not have so many problems.
A: God will give you courage and strength to face your problems.
B: But I don’t feel God’s love.
A: God’s love is not proved by feelings. God’s love is proved by Jesus being willing to suffer and die on the cross for you.

If you know that God loves you, how will it help you have a successful life? ___God also helps our low self-worth (自卑感).  Our self-worth does not depend on the things that we have or do, but rather on the fact that Jesus died for us, because the Bible says, “to all who received him, who believed in his name, God gave the right to be called children of God.”  John約翰福音1:12凡 接 待 他 的 , 就 是 信 他 名 的 人 , 他 就 賜 他 們 權 柄 , 作 神 的 兒 女 。

What does it mean to be called a child of God — what are the benefits? ____

Through Jesus, people are adopted into God’s family, and God will never reject them. “God sent his son …  that we might be adopted as God’s sons.”  Galatians加拉太書4:4-5.及 至 時 候 滿 足 , 神 就 差 遣 他 的 兒 子 , 為 女 子 所 生 , 且 生 在 律 法 以 下 ,要 把 律 法 以 下 的 人 贖 出 來 , 叫 我 們 得 著 兒 子 的 名 分 。

Closing prayer: Dear God, thank you for loving me. Thank you for proving your love by sending Jesus to die for me to forgive my sin and to make me right with God. Even if others reject me, I know that you will never reject me. Please take care of us today. Help us to have a safe trip. Help us to have a successful life. Thank you. In Jesus name. Amen.


A successful person has peace. Do you agree? ___
What is the opposite of “feeling peaceful?”  ________ Do you know people who are often worried?   ___Worry can affect physical and mental health.

Worry can keep one from making progress in life.
(Example: I am worried that if I take the University exam I might fail, so I won’t take it)
Do you know people who have peace? ___ How does that show in their lives? ___

God promises: “God will keep you in perfect peace if you continue to trust in Him.” (Isaiah以赛亚書26:3).  堅 心 倚 賴 你 的 , 你 必 保 守 他 十 分 平 安 , 因 為 他 倚 靠 你 。

Some things are out of our control. But they are in God’s control. When we give our worries to God, we are free to help others because we are not focused on our own problems. God will be with you even in hard times. He will give you what you need (not always what you want). He is able to make bad thing work out for our good if we trust in Him. He can even use difficult times in our lives to strengthen us. We can rely on His promises

Jesus said, “my peace I give unto you — not as the people of the world gives.  Do not let your heart be worried or fearful” (John約翰福音14:27)

我 留 下 平 安 給 你 們 ; 我 將 我 的 平 安 賜 給 你 們 。 我 所 賜 的 , 不 像 世 人 所 賜 的 。 你 們 心 裡 不 要 憂 愁 , 也 不 要 膽 怯 .

What did Jesus mean by “the kind of peace that the world gives?”  Do you know people who think they can get peace by taking a pill?  ___ Do you know people who think they can get peace by thinking about the same word over and over again? ___ Here is what we can think about: Think about whatever is true, worthwhile, right, clean, loving, of good reputation, excellent, that can be praised. Philippians腓立比書4:8.  凡 是 真 實 的 、 可 敬 的 、 公 義 的 、 清 潔 的 、 可 愛 的 、 有 美 名 的 , 若 有 甚 麼 德 行 , 若 有 甚 麼 稱 讚 , 這 些 事 你 們 都 要 思 念 。

Do you know people who have peace only when everything is going OK? ___  Jesus can give us peace even when things are not OK. God promises: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication make your requests known to God, and the peace of God will fill you. Philippians腓立比書4:6-7.  應 當 一 無 罣 慮 , 只 要 凡 事 藉 著 禱 告 、 祈 求 , 和 感 謝 , 將 你 們 所 要 的 告 訴 神 。神 所 賜 、 出 人 意 外 的 平 安 必 在 基 督 耶 穌 裡 保 守 你 們 的 心 懷 意 念 。

Many people worry about death, but those who trust in Jesus do not need to worry about death.

When Jesus was talking about life after death, he promised “There are many rooms in my Father’s house … I am going to prepare a place for you… when I come back I will take you there.” John約翰福音14:1.  在 我 父 的 家 裡 有 許 多 住 處  … 我 去 原 是 為 你 們 預 備 地 方 去 . 我 必 再 來 接 你 們 到 我 那 裡 去 ,

We do not need to worry about ghosts if we are safe in God’s kingdom: “He rescued us from the power of darkeness, and put us into the kingdom of His precious son (Jesus). Colossians歌羅西書4:13   他 救 了 我 們 脫 離 黑 暗 的 權 勢 , 把 我 們 遷 到 他 愛 子 的 國 裡 .

Theme verse: The Holy Spirit produces love, joy, peace …聖 靈 所 結 的 果 子 , 就 是 仁 愛 、 喜 樂 、 和 平 、 …

Closing. Dear God, we are sorry for the times we have shown a lack of faith in You by our worry. Please change us into people who have peace. Please keep us safe today. Please take care of our families and friends. Thank you, in Jesus name. Amen


A successful person is a dependable person. Do you agree?
What is the opposite of “being dependable?”  ________ Do you know people who are not dependable friends?   Do you know people who you cannot depend on to keep a secret or who will not keep their promises?

Do you know people who are dependable?  How do they show that they are dependable?  _____

The Bible says “a faithful man will be blessed.”  誠 實 人 必 多 得 福 Proverbs箴言28:20

The Bible says that A good friend is someone that others can trust. Faithful are the wounds of a friend. Proverbs箴言 27:6朋 友 加 的 傷 痕 出 於 忠 誠 .  (A good friend is reliable even when he must talk about a problem.)

Sometimes we are not faithful, but if we say to God that we are sorry, God is faithful and does the right thing: God forgives our sin and cleans us from our wrong-doing. 1 John約翰一書1:9.  我 們 若 認 自 己 的 罪 , 神 是 信 實 的 , 是 公 義 的 , 必 要 赦 免 我 們 的 罪 , 洗 淨 我 們 一 切 的 不 義 。

Sometimes Satan will tempt us to do wrong, but the Bible says: The Lord is faithful to strengthen you, protect you from the Evil One. 2 Thessalonians贴撒羅尼後書 3:3.  但 主 是 信 實 的 , 要 堅 固 你 們 , 保 護 你 們 脫 離 那 惡 者 。

God will not stop loving you.  The Bible says “because of the Lord’s kindness, and because His mercy will not stop, for they are new every morning: Your faithfulness is great!  … the Lord will give grace to those who wait for Him and ask from Him.” Lamentations耶利米哀歌3:22-25 出 於 耶 和 華 諸 般 的 慈 愛 ; 是 因 他 的 憐 憫 不 致 斷 絕 。 每 早 晨 , 這 都 是 新 的 ; 你 的 誠 實 極 其 廣 大 !…  凡 等 候 耶 和 華 , 心 裡 尋 求 他 的 , 耶 和 華 必 施 恩 給 他 。

How does God help us to be faithful to him and to others.  God created us “in His image,” which means we would have qualities like He does, such as faithfulness. That image is broken because of sin.  But the Bible says God has decided to change the ones He knew so they would be similar to the image of his son (Jesus).” Romans 羅馬書8:29.  他 預 先 所 知 道 的 人 , 就 預 先 定 下 效 法 他 兒 子 的 模 樣 . This means God is helping us be more faithful, like Jesus.

Theme verse: The Holy Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness …

聖 靈 所 結 的 果 子 , 就 是 仁 愛 、 喜 樂 、 和 平 、 忍 耐 、 恩 慈 、 … 信 實 …

Closing. Dear God, we are sorry for the times we have not been dependable. Please change us into people who are faithful. Please keep us safe today. Please take care of our families and friends. Thank you, in Jesus name. Amen


A successful person is a patient person. Do you agree?

What is the opposite of “patience?”  ________ Think about the results of impatience.   ____ What if we rush into actions that would be wrong?

Do you know people who are patient? _____ Would you like to be more patient? ___

God is patient. The Lord … is patient to you, He does not want anyone to fall into a bad situation.  2 Peter 彼得後書3:9.  主   … 寬 容 你 們 , 不 願 有 一 人 沉 淪.

Paul did bad things, but God saved him. Paul realized that God was patient with him, so that other people will believe that God loves them. He writes I was filled with God’s mercy, so that Jesus Christ can show his patience to me, a sinner, as an example for those who believe him and get eternal life. 1 Timothy 提摩太前書1:16.我 蒙 了 憐 憫 , 是 因 耶 穌 基 督 要 在 我 這 罪 魁 身 上 顯 明 他 一 切 的 忍 耐 , 給 後 來 信 他 得 永 生 的 人 作 榜 樣 。

God can make us patient.  The Bible says: Strengthened by God for steadfastness and patience. Colossians歌罗西書1:11.  照 他 榮 耀 的 權 能 , 得 以 在 各 樣 的 力 上 加 力 , 好 叫 你 們 凡 事 歡 歡 喜 喜 的 忍 耐 寬 容 .

Do you know people who are frustrated because God does not give them something that they pray for? ____  Sometimes when we ask God for something, he does not give it to us immediately. Then we feel impatient and we think that God does not care about us. But God knows the right time to answer our prayers.

King David often had to wait before God answered his prayers. He wrote in Psalm詩篇40:1:  I waited patiently for the LORD, He leaned down to hear my request.”  我 曾 耐 性 等 候 耶 和 華 ; 他 垂 聽 我 的 呼 求 。

Theme verse: The Holy Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, …  聖 靈 所 結 的 果 子 , 就 是 仁 愛 、 喜 樂 、 和 平 、 忍 耐 .

Closing. Dear God, we are sorry for the times we have not been patient. Please change us into people who trust your timming and are patient. Please keep us safe today. Please take care of our families and friends. Thank you, in Jesus name. Amen


A successful person is a loving person. Do you agree? ___ What problems might happen if people hate others instead of loving others, who are hurtful instead of kind? ___ Do you know people who refuse to forgive others?  ____

The Bible describes love this way: Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast it is not proud, it is not rude, does not say bad things about others, does not want benefits for itself, does not get mad easily, does not list other’s errors. 1 Corinthians 哥林多前書13:4-5 愛 是 恆 久 忍 耐 , 又 有 恩 慈 ; 愛 是 不 嫉 妒 ; 愛 是 不 自 誇 , 不 張 狂 , 不 做 害 羞 的 事 , 不 求 自 己 的 益 處 , 不 輕 易 發 怒 , 不 計 算 人 的 惡 ,

Can you think of other ways to describe a loving person? ____
God is loving. The Bible says: “This is love: not that we love God, but that God loves us, and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” 1 John約翰一書4:10-11不 是 我 們 愛 神 , 乃 是 神 愛 我 們 , 差 他 的 兒 子 為 我 們 的 罪 作 了 挽 回 祭 , 這 就 是 愛 了 .  親 愛 的 弟 兄 阿 , 神 既 是 這 樣 愛 我 們 , 我 們 也 當 彼 此 相 愛 .

There are three kinds of love:
1) Some love is “because” love. (“My parents love me because I am a good student.”)
2) Some love is “if” love.  (“My parents only love me if I obey all of their rules.”)
3) Some love is “unconditional” love. (God loves us no matter whether we deserve it or not)

God loves us with unconditional love.  God can help us love others with unconditional love: We love, because God first loved us. 1 John約翰一書4:19    我 們 愛 , 因 為 神 先 愛 我 們 。

God’s love is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Romans羅馬書5:5.  因 為 所 賜 給 我 們 的 聖 靈 將 神 的 愛 澆 灌 在 我 們 心 裡。

Theme verse: The Holy Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness …

聖 靈 所 結 的 果 子 , 就 是 仁 愛 、 喜 樂 、 和 平 、 忍 耐 、 恩 慈 、 良 善 …

Closing. Dear God, we are sorry for the times we have not shown love to you or to others. Please forgive us. Please change us into people who are loving and forgiving. Please keep us safe today. Please take care of our families and friends. Thank you, in Jesus name. Amen

A successful person has self-control. Do you agree? ___
What do young children do when they do not get their way? ___
Do you know people who are grown up but act like children?  What do they do? ___

Do you know people who do have self-control?  How do they show it?  _____

The Bible describes the ideal of self-control:

I am allowed to do anything, but not everything gives a benefit.  I am allowed to do anything, but not everything helps other people to improve. I Corinthians哥林多前書10:23.
凡 事 都 可 行 , 但 不 都 有 益 處 。 凡 事 都 可 行 , 但 不 都 造 就 人 。

I am allowed to do anything, but I will not be controlled by anything. 1 Corinthians哥林多前書6:12凡 事 我 都 可 行 , 但 無 論 那 一 件 , 我 總 不 受 他 的 轄 制 。
Do you know people who are controlled by drugs or alcohol? (this is called addiction). ­­____ What about spending too much time playing games on your phone?  What about eating too much food or spending more money than you earn.  Can people have a better life if they have self-control?

God can give us self-control.  The Bible says God will give you the will and power to do right. Philippians腓立比書  2:13.   因 為 你 們 立 志 行 事 都 是 神 在 你 們 心 裡 運 行 , 為 要 成 就 他 的 美 意 。

 Christ can set us free. Galatians加拉太書5:1基 督 釋 放 了 我 們 , 叫 我 們 得 以 自 由 。 You were called to freedom, but do not turn freedom into an opportunity for doing bad things   — but through love serve one another. Galatians加拉太書5:13    你 們 蒙 召 是 要 得 自 由 , 只 是 不 可 將 你 們 的 自 由 當 作 放 縱 情 慾 的 機 會 , 總 要 用 愛 心 互 相 服 事 。
We have self-control and freedom to do the right thing because our “old nature” is replaced by a “new nature”: “Jesus died for all so that they will not live for themselves (ie, not free) but live for Him ….  If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old is passed away, everything has become new.  “ 2 Corinthians哥林多後書5:15, 17.   並 且 他 替 眾 人 死 , 是 叫 那 些 活 著 的 人 不 再 為 自 己 活 , 乃 為 替 他 們 死 而 復 活 的 主 活  … 若 有 人 在 基 督 裡 , 他 就 是 新 造 的 人 , 舊 事 已 過 , 都 變 成 新 的 了 。

Theme verse: The Holy Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness … self-control.”  聖 靈 所 結 的 果 子 , 就 是 仁 愛 、 喜 樂 、 和 平 、 忍 耐 、 恩 慈 、 良 善 、 信 實 、 溫 柔 、 節 制 。

Closing. Dear God, we are sorry for the times we have not shown self-control. Please control our lives so that we have the desire and the power to do the right thing. Please keep us safe today. Please take care of our families and friends. Thank you, in Jesus name. Amen


A Successful person forgives others. Do you agree? ___

Sometimes we do not forgive, because we are waiting for the other person to say “I’m sorry.” But Jesus died for us even before we said “I’m sorry.”  The Bible says, While we were still weak, at the planned time, Christ died for sinners. Romans 5:6. 因 我 們 還 軟 弱 的 時 候 , 基 督 就 按 所 定 的 日 期 為 罪 人 死.

Sometimes we do not forgive someone because we think they will not change to become a better person if we forgive them.  But because God loves us he forgaves us first, and then startes to change us. God’s love in and through us prompts us to forgive others.

When we don’t forgive others, we might say bad things about them, or plan to do something to make them unhappy.  When we focus on our anger and are upset we are just punishing ourselves and making the situation worse. This will not make the other person change. If we forgive we are free to help the person.

Jesus explained this by telling a story.

boss: You have borrowed a lot of money from me.
worker: Don’t worry, I’ll pay it back sometime.
boss: No, I want it back right now!
worker: but boss, I don’t have the money right now. Give me some more time.
boss: You’ve had enough time. Give it to me or you will lose your job.
worker: But I need my job to take care of my family. Please, please help me out.
boss: OK, I will forget about the debt. You don’t have to pay me back.
worker: Oh, that’s great. Thank you so much. I’ll go back to work now.
friend: Hey you look really happy! What happened?

Worker: You! I’ve been looking for you! I want that money you owe me.
friend: please give me more time.
worker: I already gave you enough time. Give me the money now, or I’ll take you to court!
friend: But my wife and kids are sick!
worker: I don’t care. I have waited long enough!

Jesus continues: Then the boss called the worker and said to him, You evil person! I forgave you all your debt just because you asked me go. Shouldn’t you care about your friend, like I cared about you?  The boss was really angry, and commanded that the worker be punished until he could pay back all the money. God will do this to you, if you do not forgive others. Matthew 馬太福18:32-5. 於 是 主 人 叫 了 他 來 , 對 他 說 : 你 這 惡 奴 才 ! 你 央 求 我 , 我 就 把 你 所 欠 的 都 免 了 , 你 不 應 當 憐 恤 你 的 同 伴 , 像 我 憐 恤 你 麼 ?主 人 就 大 怒 , 把 他 交 給 掌 刑 的 , 等 他 還 清 了 所 欠 的 債 。你 們 各 人 若 不 從 心 裡 饒 恕 你 的 弟 兄 , 我 天 父 也 要 這 樣 待 你 們 了 。

If God allows badk things to happen when we disobey Him, does that mean He does not love us?

When we don’t forgive, we’re also disobeying God’s command, because the Bible says, “be kind one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, just as God has forgiven you through Christ Jesus.”  Ephesians以弗所書4:32 並 要 以 恩 慈 相 待 , 存 憐 憫 的 心 , 彼 此 饒 恕 , 正 如 神 在 基 督 裡 饒 恕 了 你 們 一 樣 。

Closing. Dear God, I am sorry for times when I did not forgive. Please change me into the kind of peron who is willing to forgive others.  Please keep us safe on this trip.  Please be with my family and friends. Amen.


A successful person is a person who will know truth and not be deceived. Do you agree?
What is the opposite of “knowing truth?”  ________ Do you know people who sometimes believe a lie?  Do you know people who accept that “Smoking makes you look cool and it won’t hurt your health.”  Is this true or false? ____  What if we are tricked into believeing a false message that came on our phone? ___

Here is a reason that truth is hard to know. Jesus said to his enemies, “You came from your father the Devil (Satan). He is a liar, and the father of lies.” John約翰福音8:44.  你 們 是 出 於 你 們 的 父 魔 鬼 , 他 本 來 是 說 謊 的 , 也 是 說 謊 之 人 的 父 .

For example, Satan lied to Eve when he said, “God will not punish you if you disobey him.” Satan uses the same lie today. He does not want us to realize that disobeying God will be punished unless we trust in Jesus for forgiveness.

Would you like to be more able to separate true from false?  _____

The Bible says about God: Your word is true. Psalm詩篇119:160.  你 話 的 總 綱 是 真 實.

“God who never lies, long ago promised eternal life.”  Titus提多書1:2. 盼 望 那 無 謊 言 的 神 在 萬 古 之 先 所 應 許 的 永 生 。

God can help us to know the truth.  The Bible says: We can know the truth about God. Jesus said, “If you follow my teaching, you are truly my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John約翰福音8:31-32. 耶 穌 對 信 他 的 猶 太 人 說 : 你 們 若 常 常 遵 守 我 的 道 , 就 真 是 我 的 門 徒 ; 你 們 必 曉 得 真 理 , 真 理 必 叫 你 們 得 以 自 由 。

This verse shows what reason to follow Jesus’ teaching? ____  What does truth have to do with freedom?___What are results of following a lie? ___ Will telling  lies lead to a successful life?

Example. Here are three statements. Only one of them can be true:

  1. Jesus said, Those who believe in me will rise from the dead. John約翰福音11:25  信 我 的 人 雖 然 死 了 , 也 必 復 活 .  (we will have eternal life with Jesus)
  1. If we just do more good things than bad things we will have a good life now and after we die.
    (can we ever be sure we do enough good?)
  2. .It doesn’t matter what you believe, because there is no life after death anyway. (but what if there is an afterlife?)

Closing. Dear God, we are sorry for the times we listened to Satan’s lies. Please change us into people who will recognize the truth. Please keep us safe from lies. Please take care of our families and friends. Thank you, in Jesus name. Amen

A successful person is a kind and gentle person. Do you agree?
What is the opposite of “gentleness?”  ________ Do you know people like that?

What is the opposite of kindness?  _________Do you know people like that?

Do you know people who are kind and gentle?  How do they show it when someone is hurting or needs help?  In physical actionsm such as touch?  In the way they talk?  In their good manners and politeness?

God says: The mountains may depart, and the hills move away, but my kindness will not leave you.  Isaiah以赛亚書54:10  大 山 可 以 挪 開 , 小 山 可 以 遷 移 ; 但 我 的 慈 愛 必 不 離 開 你 .

The Bible says about God: You readily forgive people, you give grace, you do not readily get angry, you are a God who is full of kindness, and you do not give up on us. Nehemiah尼希米記9:17. 你 是 樂 意 饒 恕 人 , 有 恩 典 , 有 憐 憫 , 不 輕 易 發 怒 , 有 豐 盛 慈 愛 的 神 , 並 不 丟 棄 他 們 。
The Bible says that Jesus will be gentle “like a shepherd, he will take care of his flock, in his arms he will gather the lambs and carry them in his arms.” Isaiah以赛亚書40:11  他 必 像 牧 人 牧 養 自 己 的 羊 群 , 用 膀 臂 聚 集 羊 羔 抱 在 懷 中 , 慢 慢 引 導 那 乳 養 小 羊 的 。

How can a “good shepherd” help us to understand “gentle?” ___
The Bible encourages us to  “to speak evil of no one, not to be a brawler, but to be gentle, showing kindness”. Titus 提多書3:1-2.   不 要 毀 謗 , 不 要 爭 競 , 總 要 和 平 , 向 眾 人 大 顯 溫 柔 。

How can gentleness lead to a successful life?  _____

The Bible also uses the word “meek” to describe gentle people. “Meek” means that you are strong, but you choose not to use your strength to do harm. For example, Jesus was strong enough to avoid going to the cross, but he accepted death so he could pay for our sins.  The Bible says that Jesus: “while being reviled, he did not revile in return; while suffering, he did not threaten, but kept entrusting himself to Him (God) who judges righteously. He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you were healed. For you were continually straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the shepherd and guardian of your souls.” 1 Peter 彼得前書2:23-25.    他 被 罵 不 還 口 ; 受 害 不 說 威 嚇 的 話 , 只 將 自 己 交 託 那 按 公 義 審 判 人 的 主 .  他 被 掛 在 木 頭 上 , 親 身 擔 當 了 我 們 的 罪 , 使 我 們 既 然 在 罪 上 死 , 就 得 以 在 義 上 活 。 因 他 受 的 鞭 傷 , 你 們 便 得 了 醫 治 。你 們 從 前 好 像 迷 路 的 羊 , 如 今 卻 歸 到 你 們 靈 魂 的 牧 人 監 督 了 。

God can help us to be kind and gentle. We can ask Jesus for help and strength to do the right thing. We know that God will help us, because the Bible says “God is at work in you, helping you to know what He wants and helping you to do it.”  Philippians腓立比書2:13.


Theme verse: The Holy Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfuklness, gentleness …聖 靈 所 結 的 果 子 , 就 是 仁 愛 、 喜 樂 、 和 平 、 忍 耐 、 恩 慈 、 良 善 、 信 實 、 溫 柔、節 制 .

Closing. Dear God, we are sorry for the times we have not been kind or gentle. Please change us and make us more like you in your love and care for others. Please keep us safe today. Please take care of our families and friends. Thank you, in Jesus name. Amen

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