
First Things first

1. List some advantages of having things in order where you live and where you work.
a, c.
b. d.
2. List some advantages of having an orderly organization of leadership and responsibilities in the place where you live and work.
a. c.
b d.
3. What happens when there is a lack of order: What if spring came before winter?
What if the caboose was in front of the train instead of at the engine?
What if the stewardess flew the airplane you were riding in while the pilot served the meals?
4. God created the earth and everything in it with a special design and order. He has given us his inspired Word to reveal his perfect plan for the part that we were designed to play in the order of our world. But, beginning with the first human beings, mankind has chosen to reject God’s plan (Romans 3:23) and that is why there is so much disorder in the world today. For example: God created the human body with a balance and precision that far exceeds any technology or creativity that today�s most brilliant scientists possess. The brain is the control unit of the body. What you have learned should influence how you act. So, if you know some­thing ( if I eat too much candy, I will get a stomach ache), and ignore that information allowing your emotions to take charge, your situation will be out of order (you will get sick from eating too much candy).
5. Just as our head (brain) was designed to have authority over our physical body, Christ has been given authority in our world. How much authority has Christ been given according to the following verses? Matthew 28:18 Ephesians 1:22-23 Colossians 1:16-17
6. What specific areas of Christ’s headship are pointed out in the following verses?
Mark 1:27 _______________________________________ 1 Peter 3:22 ______________________________________ Matthew 8:27 ______________________________________ Mark 2:10-12 ______________________________________ John 1:29 with Revelation 17:14
7. Just as the head of an organization gives authority to his employees so that things will run smoothly and efficiently, so God’s Word tells us that Christ gives authority to human beings.
8. King Saul received instructions from God, but decided to do what he thought was best instead. What did the prophet Samuel compare Saul’s rejection of God’s authority to? (1 Samuel 15:23)
9. In Romans 13:1-5, what are four results of resisting authority?
a. c.
b. d.
God warns us about continued rejection of authority in Proverbs 29:1, “Some people are still stubborn after they have been corrected many times. But they will suddenly be hurt beyond cure.”
10. The story of King Saul shows us three times when he rebelled against God’s authority. What were the the consequences of this rebellion in Saul’s life.
1 Samuel 13:13-15 ____________________________________ As with Saul, when we rebel against the disciplines of the Lord, we fail to learn those things that are necessary for us to live a God-pleasing life and are not able to pass these things on to our children.
1 Samuel 15:28 ______________________________________ We could lose effectiveness in our ministry to others if it is obvious that we lack the good character and wisdom that comes through submission to authority.
1 Samuel 28:18-19, 31:7 ___________________________________
We are warned about the physical results of rejection of authority in: Ephesians 6:1-3 Proverbs 3:7-8
The way we respond to the authority figures that God gives us will soon be the way we respond to God’s authority.
1. Refusal to Submit > communication breakdown > ungratefulness > stubbornness > open rebellion > relationship with others in rebellion > defense of wrong actions > broken relationship
2. Submission > shows authority you have the right attitude, a spirit of obedience >
communication, leading to discovery of authorities basic intentions and goals > confession and asking forgiveness for wrong attitudes or action in the past > works out an alternative idea which would achieve the goal in another way > presents idea to authority and receives advice and guidance
In the following verses, who has been given authority over what (or whom) and what is the
Genesis 1:26 – Psalm 8:6-8 ________ over ________ Romans 13:1-6- 1
Timothy 2:1-3 ____________________ over ____
Result: ________Proverbs 6:20-24 � Ephesians 6:1-3 � Colossians 3:20 _____over ______
Results ________

Ephesians 5:22-24 – Titus 2:3-5 – Colossians 3:20 ______ over ______
Results _________

Colossians 3:22-24 – Titus 2:9-10 ________ over ________
Results ________

1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 – Hebrews 13:17 _______ over _______
Results ________

1 Peter 5:5 ______________ over ________________

Each of us has many character defects that need to be refined. God uses those in authority to do
this. (Proverbs 22:15) In Proverbs 21:1 God assures us that he is in control of the one in
Think of examples of how, through submission to the authority of Christ and to those he has put
in authority over us, we can:
a. receive the reproof and correction that we need to correct character defects
b. grow in wisdom and character
c. receive protection from destructive temptations
d. receive clear directions for life decisions
Oftentimes people fail to see the advantages of having authority figures. Instead they regard authorities as people who restrict their freedom. It is natural to want to resist or rebel against authority. Rebellion may be rooted in pride or lack of respect for authority.
1. When we reject authority we get out from under the umbrella of protection. Getting out from under an umbrella on a rainy day will expose us to rain and we’ll get wet, but getting out from under the umbrella of authority will expose us to temptations which are too strong for us to overcome.
2. If we reject one authority, God will use another to continue to refine our character. (A teen-age boy wanting to escape the authority of his parents might join the military, and a girl might use marriage as a way to escape pressure of parents)

Note: the concept of the “umbrella” and the “response to authority” were learned by attending a Basic Youth Concepts seminar by Bill Gothard in the 1970’s

© Sue Found 1995

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