
BOOKS ON WORLD RELIGIONS:            link to publishers

Carlson, Ron and Ed Decker.  First Facts on False Teachings.  Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers 1994

Halverson, Dean, General Editor, The Compact Guide to World Religions (Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1996).

Kateregga, Badru D. and David W. Shenk.  A Muslim and A Christian in Dialogue.  Scottdale, Pennsylvania: Herald Press 1997

Lin Yutang. From Pagan to Christian.  Cleveland, Ohio: World Publishing Company 1959

Martinson, Paul.  Families of Faith.  Minneapolis:, Augsburg Fortress 1999

Miller, Roland E. Muslim Friends, Their Faith and Feeling.  St. Louis: Concordia 1996.

Neusner, Jacob.  World Religions in America. Louisville KY: Westminster John Knox Press 1999

McDowell, Josh. Handbook of Today’s Religions.  Nashville: Nelson 1983

Raj, A. R. Victor The Hindu Connection, Roots of the New Age.  St. Louis: Concordia 1996.

Rosen, Moshe.  Share the New Life with a Jew.  Chicago: Moody Press 1976

Saal, William.  Reaching Muslims for Christ.  Chicago: Moody Press1993

Valleskey, David J.  We Believe – Therefore We Speak.  (Milwaukee: Northwestern Publishing House, 1995).

Zuck, Roy.  Vital Missions Issues.  Grand Rapids Michigan: Kregel Resources 1998

Clark, David K. and Norman L. Geisler.  Apologetics in the New Age, A Christian Critique of Pantheism.  Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House 1990

Green, Michael and Alistair McGrath.  How Shall We Reach Them? Nashville: Thomas Nelson 1995

Manske, Charles L.  World Religions.  Major Religious Systems in Comparative Outline Form.  Irvine California: the Institute for World Religions 1991.

Phillips, Timothy R, and Dennis L. Okholm, eds.  Christian Apologetics in the Postmodern World.  Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press 1995.

Sharma, Arvind, ed.  Our Religions.  San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco 1993

Smith, Donald K.  Creating Understanding. A Handbook for Christian Communication Across Cultural landscapes.  Grand Rapids: Zondervan 1992


Bibliography for Life and Work topics

These books include those quoted in the student notes for each individual topic.

Culture Shock
Loss, Myron.  Culture Shock, Dealing with Stress in Cross-Cultural Living.  Winona Lake IN: Life and Work Press, 1983.  Copies can be ordered from Encouragement Ministries, R. D. #2 Box 38, Middleburg PA 17842; (717) 837-3360.


Mission Work.
Hofman, J. Samuel, Mission Work in Today’s World: Insights and Outlooks.  William Carey Library, Pasadena, California, 1993

Moreau, A. Scott, et. al., Introducing World Missions: A Biblical, Historical, and Practical Survey.  Grand Rapids MI: Baker Book House, 2004.

Van Rheenen, Gaylan, Missions, Biblical Foundations and Contemporary Strategies.


Short-term Missions
Gibson, Tim, and Steve Hawthorne, Richard Krekel, Kn Moy.  Stepping Out, a Guide to Short Term Missions.  Seattle WA: YWAM Missions, 1992.  Copies can be ordered from YWAM Publishing, PO Box 55787, Seattle WA 98155.

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