[This curriculum is for teachers to use in leading classes about how to share the gospel]
The First point – love
Fill in the blanks with either of the following words: love, God.
1. There are five gospel points: love, sin, substitution, faith, and baptism.
2. The first of the five is love.
3. When sharing the gospel, we must first talk about God’s _____ (1 John 4:8-10).
4. We use love to begin, because we want the listener to know that the true God
is filled with ______.
5. If the person does not know that the true God is filled with love, he probably will have misunderstandings like the following:
1) He perhaps will assume the the most important thing about ______ is that He established a set of commandments like “don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol, don’t gamble” etc.
2) He will probably suppose that God is a despot on high, and imagine that to obtain His love or anything from Him one must gain His good pleasure.
6. When we begin then we want to help the listener realize that God does not set conditions (God’s love is unconditional love).
2. God uses two important aspects to show his love for us. Through Jesus Christ, God gives us what the world needs, and after death God gives us the eternal kingdom, together with him in heaven.
The content below uses underlining to show these three things:
(1) The four concrete eartjhly things that God gives us.
(2) The three kinds of things included in the abundant life.
(3) How a person can experience the abundant life.
- God provides our earthly needs.
1) Earthly needs includes the necessities of life like clothing, food, housing and living. God doesn’t want our life to be filled with worry.
He gives us every earthly need (Matthew 6:25-30)
- He also gives us an abundant life here on earth. (John 10:10)
- From the scripture verses John 15:9 and 11 and John 1:7, we learn that the abundant life includes love, joy, and peace.
- Christians have abundant life through their close relationship with Jesus
- Draw a frightful image of a large word “no,” because through we are able to experience an abundant life on earth. Without Christ, no matter jhow much wealth we have on earth, we will not be truly satisfied.
In the content below, the underlined words emphasize the following things:
(4) Eleven kinds of things that are in heaven.
(5) Nine kinds of things that are not in heaven.
(6) Our three reasons to belong to God.
2 Besides the earthly needs that God gives us for abundant life, love, joy, peace, He gives us salvation, and because of this we go to heaven after we die through Jesus Christ. (John 14:2-6)
- In heaven, there are living creatures, thrones, elders, and many angels (Revelation 5:11). There are also twelve gates made of pearls, and streets made of gold (Revelation 21:21). There the river and tree of life, with twelve kinds of fruit. The best thing is, in heaven are God and the lamb Jesus (Revelation 22:3-4). Jesus has prepared a place for us to live (John 14:2). We cannot even imagine how wonderful heaven is, it goes far beyond our imaginations (First Corinthians 2:9).
- Something that is not in heaven is a temple, because God Himself is the temple we can live in (Revelation 21:22). There is no darkness or night in heaven, there is no need for sunlight or lamplight, because God will shine upon us (Revelation 22:5). There are no tears, death, lamenting, crying or difficulties (Revelation 21:4).
- Of course we are not to commit suicide in order to get to heaven earlier, because we belong to the three-in-one God, He ordered us not to kill people, and that includes not to kill yourself (Deuteronomy 5:17).
- We belong to the Heavenly Father, because He created us (Psalm 100:3).
- We belong to God the Son, because he used his precious blood to redeem us (First peter 1:18-19).
- We belong to the Holy Spirit, because our bodies are his temple (First Corinthians 6:19).
- The John 3:16 method.
- Please write your name in the blank lines.
God so loved ______ that through His only begotten Son, gave ______, had _______ believe in Him, ______ will not perish, but receive eternal life. (John 3:16) - Write in your name and read the Bible verse aloud.
- Write in your name and memorize the Bible verse.
- Please fill in the blanks with the name of the person sitting to the right of you.
- God so loved ______ that through His only begotten Son, gave ______, had _______ believe in Him, ______ will not perish, but receive eternal life. (John 3:16)
- Write in the name of the person across from you and read the verse.
- Write in the name of the person across from you and memorize the verse.
1.Read chapter 2.
1) See 1. The first Basic Gospel Point – love, according to the completed blanks.
2)See 2. God uses two important ways to show us His love. Draw a line on the picture.
2. See 3. John 3:16 Gospel Method. Before tomorrow’s class, find a person (best would be someone who is not a Christian), and share John 3:16 with him, just like you practiced in class, write his name in the blanks of the Bible verse.
Homework you may choose to do:
Practice the “God loves whom?” gospel sharing method.
- On a piece of paper use large letters to write the two lines below:
Whom does God love? (see the answer on another side) |
On the other side of the paper, use large letters to write the following word:
Me |
(a better choice is to paste a mirror on the other side of the paper.)
- Before tomorrow’s class, find a person (best would be someone who is not a Christian). Have him read these words written on the paper “Whom does God love?” Don’t let him see the other side of the paper first. If that person is not able to read the words, tell hi what is written on the paper, and them have him guess the answer. Then show him the word “me” written on the other side, and tell him that God loves him very much.