圣经简介 A Short Introduction to the Bible
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这些论题在下面可以找到: You can find these topics below:
一.圣,经,这两个字的意思。 The meanings of “sheng” and “jing.”
二.圣经的组织。 How the Bible is organized.
三.圣经的重点。 The main point of the Bible.
四.圣经的目的。 The purpose of the Bible,
五.圣经的内容。 The content of the Bible.
六. 怎么利用圣经。 How to use the Bible.
七.怎么找到圣经。 How to get a Bible.
八.读圣经的效果。 The results of reading the Bible
九。旧约细节 Details of the Old Testament.
十。 新约细节 Details of the New Testament.
3.英文比较:“圣经”是英文“HolyBible” 的翻译。Holy的意思是“圣洁”,Bible的意思是“书。”
I. The meaning of the two words “sheng” and “jing.”
1. “jing” in Chinese stands for a book that is a classic of special value, like the “five classics” of Chinese.
2. “Sheng” means “holy,” and indicates a relation to religion. In the Bible, “holy” means “far from evil”. The God introduced by the Bible is a holy God, so using holy to indicate his book is very suitable.
3. Comparison to English. “Sheng Jing” is the translation of the English “Holy Bible.” Holy means “holy,” and Bible means “book.”4. In the Bible, “shen,”“Shang Di,” and “Jehovah” all refer to the same God, the one who created everything.)
1. 其实圣经不只是一本书,而是66 本书集合在一起。这些书虽然写在不一样的时间(自从公元前1000多年开始,直到公元后第一世纪),但是这66本的内容相当相似的。都强调神的慈爱。
II. The organization of the Bible
1. Actually the Bible is not just one book, but is a collection of 66 books. Even though these books were written over a long period of time (from more that 1000 years BC up to the first century AD), yet the content of these 66 books is quite similar. They all emphasize God’s love.
2. The books of the Bible can be divided into two groups. The first half is called “Old Testament,” and is the history of the Jewish people; the second half is called “New Testament,” and includes the life of Jesus and materials written by his followers.
3.In the Bible, Jewish people are also called “Israelites” and “Hebrews.”
a. 启示神的本性给人们知道;
b. 被钉在十字架的时候,代表人,受到人因违背神必须受的惩罚。
3. 圣经利用“罪”代表人违背神的态度和i行为。耶稣在十字架赎人类的罪,
III. The main point of the Bible
1. The Bible tells us clearly that although people disobeyed the will of the holy God, experiencing neediness and lostness, yet people can have a close relationship with God, because Jesus sacrificed his life for them, forgiving their wrongs.
2. According to Bible teaching, Jesus is God, becoming man in the first century, coming down to earth, for these two reasons:
a. Ho reveal God’s nature so we could know Him.
b. He took mankind’s place when he was nailed to the cross, receiving the punishment that people ought to have received.
3. The Bible uses the word “sin” to represent man’s rebellious attitude and behavior against God. Jesus forgave mankind’s sin on the cross.
4. After three days he rose from the dead, showing that his mission was completed and successful, and also revealing that he is the source of life, able to give us abundant and eternal life. God takes away our guilt, shame, and regret, and gives our daily life meaning and strength.
1. “基督”这两个字是从希腊文而来的,有“世界的王”的意思。(有时候你会看到“弥赛亚,” 此字是从希伯来文莱的,意思一样)。耶稣是世界的国王。
2. 当犹太人以”神的儿子“解释,他们的意思是”那个人就是神。“ 耶稣是王也是神。
3.“因他的名”的意思为“ 因他的力量和权利”。 举个例子,若一位警察要你停下来,他不是以他自己的权利而是按此城市的法律命令你,若你不在乎他,你必须面对全城市的权利。相同的,我们跟神的好关系不是凭着我们自己的权利,而是靠耶稣的权利。
4. “得生命“代表圣经的目的是要人们因信耶稣就可以得丰盛的生命。
IV. The Purpose of the Bible is to encourage people to have faith.
The Bible says “I have written these things to you, so you can believe that Jesus is the Christ, God’s Son, so that because of your faith, you can receive life in his name.” (recorded in the gospel of John in the Bible, chapter 20 verse 31). Here John reveals the meaning of the book he has written, but I feel that this purpose is the same as that of the entire Bible. The explanation of this verse is below:
1. The two characters forming “Christ” are from the Greek language, and have the meaning of “King of the world.” (Sometimes you will see the word “Messiah.” This word is from Hebrew language and has the same meaning.) Jesus is the King of the World.
2. When Jewish people explain the term “God’s Son,” their meaning is “the person is actually God.” Jesus is both King and God.
3. The meaning of “in his name” is “through His strength and power.” For example, if a policeman wants you to stop, he does not command this on his own authority, but on the authority of the laws of the city. If you ignore him, you must face the authority of the entire city. In the same way, our good relationship with God does not depend on our own authority, but depends of Jesus’ authority.
4. “having life” indicates that the Bible’s purpose is that through faith in Jesus people can have abundant life.
五.圣经的内容。圣经不只是记录耶稣的生平和他对门徒(跟随他的人)的影响,也包括耶稣事工的背景与意义。耶稣约2000年前来到世上,将生在中东的一个希伯莱人(就是犹太人)的家庭;神在刚刚过去的2000年预备犹太人,使他们能够了解耶稣的意义。这段长期预备的时间记录在圣经的第一部份(旧约),然后根据旧约的启示,我们能够更深刻的了解第二部份(新约)。 按这里看每一本属的简单的总结
V. The content of the Bible. The Bible does not only record the life of Jesus and his influence on his disciples (followers), it also includes the background and significance of Jesus’ ministry. Jesus came down to earth about 2000 years ago, being born to a Hebrew (Jewish) family in the middle east; During the preceding 2000 years, God had prepared the Jewish people, so they would be able to understand the significance of Jesus. This long period of preparation is recorded in the first part of the Bible (Old Testament), and so afterward, according to the revelations of the Old Testament, we are able to understand the second part (New Testament) more thoroughly. See a summary of each Bible book.
六. 怎么利用圣经。
1. 圣经的66本书都有缩写的方法,利用为表示引用的来源。例:圣经的第一本叫“创世纪,“缩写是”创.” 新约圣经的第四本叫“约翰福音,”缩写是“约。” 看66本的缩写
2. 每一本书分为好几个章(英文chapter),用大写代表,和每一章分为好几个节(英文verse),用小写代表。例如约3:16的意思是“约翰福音第三章第十六节”。(因为原来的圣经书都是分开的,写在羊皮上,卷起来,有时候人说“卷”代替“本”。)
VI. How to use the Bible.
1. The 66 books in the Bible each have an abbreviation, to show the source of quotations. Example: The first book in the Bible is called Genesis, and the abbreviation is “Gn.” The fourth book in the Bible’s new testament is called “the Gospel according of John,” and the abbreviation is “Jn.” See the abbreviations of all 66 books.
2. Each book is divided into several chapters, shown by large numbers, and each chapter is divided into several verses, shown by small numbers. For example, John 3:16 means “the Gospel according to John, the third chapter, the 16th verse.” (Because the original Bible books were separate, written on sheep skins and rolled up, sometimes people say “scrolls”in place of “volumes.”
七.怎么找到圣经。若你没有圣经书,可以在网路找 biblegateway.com. 在右边的空格,打箭头,中文译本在最下面。(我建议你选出CUVMPS (这个是最平常用的中文和合本圣经)。 接下来,在左边边的空格,打进你要找的书名,然后打Enter.
你也可以用youversion的 app 加上你的手机— 是免费的。
VII. How to find a Bible. If you don’t have a Bible in book form, you can click on biblegateway.com. In the box at the right, click the arrow, scroll down to the end of the list, and select a Chinese Bible. I recommend CUVMPS (that is the Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation Simplified.) Then in the empty box at the left, write the name of a book of the Bible. Then press “enter.”
You can also get the youversion app for your mobile phone.
八.读圣经的效果。 圣经是一本可帮你认识神的书,是跟随耶稣人的基础和标准。圣经启示神的本性和他如何跟我们产生和睦的关系,成为他家庭的一分子。圣经指示信靠耶稣的人如何一天比一天领受神的力量和恩典。希望你通过此小的简介也会领受丰盛的生命。
VIII. The results of reading the Bible. The Bible is a book that can help you know God, and is the basis and standard for those who follow Jesus. The Bible reveals God’s character and how he formed a restored relationship with us, turning us into members of His family. The Bible points out that those who trust in Jesus day by day receive strength and grace. I hope through this short introduction you also will receive abundant life.
九。旧约细节 Details of the Old Testament.
十。 新约细节 Details of the New Testament.
十一。圣经书的组织和 缩写 organization and abbreviations of Bible Books
十二。每一本书的总结 summary of each Bible Book