
How to Bear the Fruit of the Spirit and Develop a Satisfying Devotional Life.

第一堂:圣灵与果子Session One: Holy Spirit and Fruit
1. 主题经文:加5:22-23。The major scripture verse: Galatians 5:22-23
a. 这段经文并没有说“你应当结这些果子”而是说“圣灵会使它们结在你的身上。”
The verse does not say “you should produce these fruits,” but “the Spirit produces them in you.”
b. 此经文不是说只有基督徒拥有此果子, 而是 说,“藉着圣灵,此果子越来越多地会出现在你的身上。”           The verse does not say that only Christians have these, but rather “through the Holy Spirit, this fruit will appear in your life more and more.”
c. 圣灵的工作不限制於这九个特质而已,因为整个基督徒的生命都是圣灵所赐予的。The Spirit’s work is not limited to these nine qualities – the entire Christian life is brought about by the Holy Spirit。.

2.  加拉太人成为基督徒之前已经会重视这些果子的特质。
The Galatians already valued these qualities before they became Christians.
分组讨论:Small Group:  你还没成为基督徒之前,你觉得经文里的果子中,哪一些值得追求?
Which qualities did you value before you became a Christian?
Did becoming a Christian help you to reach these qualities?
请想一想你希望在今天的营会要达到的目标。Please think of a goal for today’s workshop.
3. 圣灵在三位一体上帝中的角色The Holy Spirit’s role in the Trinity
a. 三位一起按着相同的旨意做事。约14:16-17。
The three work together, with the same will. John 14:16-17
b. 例如,耶稣所做的都是天父的旨意。约5:19。
For example, Jesus does the Father’s will. John 5:19
c. 圣灵的角色是把耶稣的工作带到我们的生命里。约16:13-14
The Spirit’s work is to bring the work of Jesus to us. John 16:13-14
d. 神无论对我们做什么,或者是称义活着是成圣,都是为了耶稣,藉着圣灵给我们的。多3:4-7
All that God does, no matter whether it is justification or sanctification, he gives it to us because of Jesus, by the Spirit.   Titus 3:4-7.

4. 结果三是三位一起帮我们结果子。Therefore the fruit is given to us by all three members  together.
a. 耶稣在我们里面结果子。约15:5。Jesus produces fruit in us: John 15:5
b. 天父在我们里面结果子。来12:19-11。The Father produces fruit in us: Hebrews 12:9-11

5.  如果是神,为了耶稣,藉着圣灵在我们里面结果子的,包罗为什么在圣经强调果子为圣灵的工作?请参加5:19-23。 Since it is God who produces fruit in us, because of Jesus, through the work of the Spirit, why does Paul in the Bible emphasize the fruit as the Spirit’s work?  See Galatians 5:19-23

a. 保罗提到圣灵的原因是因为他要做比较:他要比较“旧的我”和“新的我。”
The reason is that Paul is comparing the new life and the old life.
b. 这经节描述人生的情况。This verse describes the human condition
c. 在你的思想里有战争:是肉体情欲和圣灵在战争。
There is a war in your thought life: fleshly lusts vs. the Holy Spirit
d. 肉体的意思是“反对神的态度”。肉体情欲又叫“旧的我”。
Flesh means “attitude against God.” Fleshly lusts is also called “the old me.”
e. 圣灵赐与能力给“新的我”。The Holy Spirit empowers the “new me.”
f. 每一个信徒都拥有圣灵,但是不一定总是都听从他。罗8:9
Every believer has the Holy Spirit, but does not always listen. Romans 8:9
g. 你可以选择跟着圣灵走,或者接受圣灵的引导—但是你也可以选择拒绝祂。帖5:19。
You can “walk” or “be led” by the Spirit – or you can refuse. 1 Thessalonians 5:19.
h. 你的行为若不是表现圣灵的影响,就是表现肉体的影响。Your behavior reveals if you are motivated by the old me (flesh) or the new me (empowered by the Holy Spirit).

6. a. 你在信仰上成长,过正常基督徒生活,果子自然的会出现。
As you mature in faith, leading the normal Christian life, fruit will naturally occur.
(confessing sins, taking communion, trusting God during difficulties)
b. 你若反抗圣灵,果子也会变少。If you resist the Spirit, there will be less fruit.
(not confessing sin, not forgiving others, not avoiding places of temptation)

7.请参考徒10:44。See Acts 10:44.
a. 那时彼得不是讲圣灵:第38节述说他 在讲谁:
Peter was not talking about the Spirit. Verse 38 shows whom he was talking about.
b, 我们仰望耶稣的时候,圣灵就会做工。The Spirit works as we look to Jesus. Acts 10:44。

第二堂:圣经与果子Session Two: Bible and Fruit
1. 复习主题经文,加5:22-23。Review the main verse, Galatians 5:22-23
2. 此果子在圣经里以命令,劝告,祈求,与应许的姿态出现。
The fruit appears as Commands, Advice, Prayers, and Promises:
a. 命令,罗13:9。commands. Romans 13:9
b. 劝告,弗4:1-3。advice. Ephesians 4:1-3
c. 祈求,西1:10。prayer. Colossians 1:10
d. 应许,罗6:20-22。promises. Romans 6:20-22.
e. 基督徒凭着神的应许来生活。The Christian life is a matter of relying on the promises.
f. 以下果子列出,还有神给与它的计划。Below the fruit is listed, also God’s plan to give each one.
3.  仁 爱,罗5:5,路7:47 。Love.  Romans 5:5, Luke 7:47.
4.  喜 乐,彼前1:8, 罗15:13。1 Peter 1:8, Romans 15:13,
5.  和 平,约14:27。Peace.  John 14:27
6.  忍 耐,罗5:3。Patience. Romans 5:3
7.  恩 慈,西3:9-12。Kindness. Colossians 3:9-12
8. 基督徒生活方式:悔改,穿上新生命。弗4:32. Christian lifestyle: repent and “put on.” Eph 4:32.
9.  良 善,弗5:9。Goodness. Ephesians 5:9
10.  信 实,(希腊文:信心),弗2:8-9。林后1:8-9
Faithfulness (trustworthy, Greek “faith.”) Eph 2:8-9. 2 Corinthians 1:8-9
11.  温 柔,太11:29, 罗8:29a。Gentleness. Matthew 11:29, Romans 8:29a
12.  节 制,提后1:7。Self-control.  2 Timothy 1:7
分组讨论Small group: 中国文化里有哪些特质是圣灵能够帮助你达到的?What qualities in Chinese culture can God help you reach?

第三堂:灵修与果子Session Three. Devotions and Fruit
1. 复习主题经文,加5:22-23。Review the main verse, Galatians 5:22-23
2.  你做灵修的动机对吗?Is your motivation right?
a. 不是为了确定你有没有得救,因为祂已经拯救了你,因着信。
Not to be sure you are saved: God has already saved you, by faith.
b. 不是要亲近神:祂已经离你很近;。
Not to get close to God: He is already close to you.

3.  灵修的好处Advantages of devotions:
a.  改变心智,罗12:2。transform mind. Romans 12:2
b. 对应许更了解,彼前1:3-4。know the promises. 1 Peter 1:3-4
4. 有很多可随意选择的灵修方法Options
a. 人数?How many?  个人单独,夫妻一起,家庭一起 Alone, as a couple, as a family.
b. 固定时间?Definite time?

5. 读经Bible reading.
a. 方法多,包括:读经系统计划,利用小册字。Many systems: Bible reading plans, booklets
b. 读经时,在应许,命令,等旁边做记号Put symbols by promises, commands, etc.
c. 把你的想法写在日记本:每天一个概念就够了。Keep a journal: one concept each time
6.  祷告Prayer
a. 按着神的旨意,约壹5:14。according to God’s will. 1 John 5:14
b.奉耶稣的名(意思是依靠耶稣),约14:14.  In Jesus’ name (depending on Jesus). John 14:14
c. 为自己—  认罪,感谢,把问题交给蛇,球恩惠,等。参腓1:9-11。
For self – confess sins, thank, put problems in God’s hands, ask for grace. See Phil. 1:9-11.
d. 为别人– 写下事项,提前2:1-2。For others — write down topics. 1 Timothy 2:1-2
分组讨论 Small group: 你对这次退休会里的哪些观念印象特别深刻?你达到了你参加退休会的目标没有?你希望弟兄姊妹怎样为你祷告?在小组里做结束祷告。
What will stay with you from this workshop? Did you meet the goal?  What would you like others pray for you?    Have the closing prayer in small groups.



祷告More about Prayer: https://foundbytes.com/prayer-faq

击败坏行为  How to overcome bad habits: https://foundbytes.com/break-throughs

介绍耶稣  Introduce Jesus to your friends  https://foundbytes.com/world-needs-peace/

找神的旨意  How to find God’s will: https://foundbytes.com/guidance

十字架的能力  More about the meaning of Jesus on the cross: https://foundbytes.com/power-of-cross

圣经  Learn more about the Bible: https://foundbytes.com/bible     中文

马可福音 Learn to read the Bible by reading the book of Mark: https://foundbytes.com/mark-guide     中文


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