Finding Bible studies
Your church library may have samples of studies or even multiple copies. Here are some Bible studies that are on this website:
1. Short studies on Basic Bible Concepts are found at Key Topics
2. A Bible-based study of Basic Christianity is Eight Lessons for New Christians.
3. Groups of four can use these single-session discussion sheets
4. A sample of how to study a book of the Bible is at How to Read the Book of Mark.
5. More advanced studies on Christian life are found at Growth Studies.
Plan to Cover all five areas of Christian growth over the course of time. See chart.
Writing your own Bible Studies
Here are suggestions for four types of Bible studies:
Growth Study — to help Christians to put faith into action
Introducing Faith Study — for those who are not yet Christians
Information Study — for showing how truths are relevant to daily living
Verse by Verse Study — Studying a book of the Bible from beginning to end
Go to Nurture Suggestions page Go to self-nurture page Go to Sharing Groups page
Online materials from Lutheran Hour Ministries
online materials from Concordia Publishing House
a 5-day Lutheran Bible camp curriculum