Skits and Ideas

Ideas for youth and family nurture

Who Said It game
A verse is quoted, and three choices are given for who may have said it. Click for  directions and ideas for other multiple choice games.

Scripture Card Game
Fun way to learn verses and where they are located.       directions

Fill in the blanks with a prayer concept for each letter of the word “prayertime.”
Look up the Bible verse and write the word starting with the letter given.

The So-What blanks
Select the meaning for today of Christ’s death and resurrection  GoTo

Good News Fair to reach elementary age children. GoTo
Birthday Party for Jesus for preschool and early elementary GoTo

Scavenger Hunts by Sue Found (five to choose from:)
Riddles   Autumn    Nature    Objects      Photo Hunt

Thinking Outside the Box
Ideas for youth studies and Sermon Topics   GoTo

Bible Studies based on Nature
to use on camping and hiking trips  GoTo,

Bible Studies on Life Issues
What the Bible says on peer pressure, anger, fear, and more.
Written for high school youth groups     GoTo

Devotions to use on trips.
Successful Living. 12 devotions, English/Chinese. GoTo

Skits on Life Issues
Good for use with youth groups.  GoTo:

Ideas for using these materials:

They help us become more familiar with God’s word in a fun and challenging way.

Bible games can be used in:   Small groups           Sunday school   Youth groups           Retreats    and Lock-ins    VBS                          Christian schools    Campouts       Family times          Confirmation classes            As a review for Bible memory assignments

 Use these games as models using your own topics and verses.  

Some of the games can be played in teams. For example, line up each team in a row. After asking a question, the first person in the row tries to be the first one to answer. If the person answers correctly, the person goes to the back of the row and everyone moves up so that a new person is in front. The first team in which the original person arrives at the front is the winner. A variation is to have the people move in the opposite direction when the  person in front gives the wrong answer.  Be sensitive to the fact that a player may be embarrassed about lack of Bible knowledge if he/she plays as an individual.

Make up rules suitable for your group. The following are some ideas:

Give each team a question or read a question and see which team can answer it first.  In some cases multiple choice will make the game more fun.

Talk about the verses:
How can this verse help me?
How can I apply this to my life?
What does this show me about God? About myself?
What happens when people ignore this, disobey or rebel against God?

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